My secret life i didnt know about

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"Ooh she's coming to!" A royal voice exclaimed. A face hovered over me. With her ton of black haired beauty she also had brown skin. Like me. But I have brown hair. "Hello. I'm sorry my guard was being clumsy today." I looked back up. "Who are you?" I asked awkwardly. "Oh excuse me. I'm Queen Gwen. My guard hit you on the head. You passed out." Ok. Embarrassing. "Kill me now." I looked at Evan. "We need to go. My dad is probably worried sick." I started to get up. "Um. About that. That is your parents. They come here all the time. As rulers." I was astonished. Then mad. "Since when did you know that? How could you not tell me?" I glared death into his eyes. Suddenly seeing how mad I was he stammered out "Since you passed out?" He said unsure if that was the right thing to say. "Sorry." I blushed. I'm sure you are tired of this parts drama now. I will skip ahead.
In the house, (the palace) they explained everything to me.
"Before you were born I wanted to find a safe place to keep you until you were older. We didn't want to tell you at a young age. Some girls get sassy. Or emo. We told you we had jobs like lawyers or teachers. We waited too long." Okay I half expected to wake up to my alarm clock and half expected to die of drama.

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