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7 continents

196 countries

Over 36,000 cities and towns...

More than 7 billion people live in this world

And just with my luck, I found the one person who was my world. 

Finding her the first time was the easy part... The second was a different story. 

She left without a word, leaving nothing behind but the memories I had of her. 

Those were what kept me going, no matter how hard things seemed to be without her.... I at least still had our memories.

Sometimes they kept me up at night, making me remember what I no longer had... Something I'd never have again. 

 "Tell me.... What's one good reason why I should love you?" 

"Do you really need a reason?"

"Yes, I have to make sure I'm not jumping into something that's not going to last." 

"I don't know if I really have a reason... I guess it's just the fact that I find myself falling in love with you more and more every day... You are the best I've ever had." 

"What do you know about "the best"? You're not much of a dater, love." 

"Well if you want to look at it like that... I just know that with the few people I've been with you're the only one who's actually wanted me for me. You don't see me as anyone different but myself, and I think that's why I feel that way about you." 

"There's your reason then.... I can't tell you I'm falling for you too Louis cause I honestly don't know. I'm scared to let you in... I'm scare you'll run the second you realize what's underneath. I'm not who you think I am." 

"Then I guess you just have to let me in... I want to know you Addie..."  She let out a sigh, turning to look at me with those golden brown eyes of hers. 

"You don't Louis, but I don't have the heart to push you away. If I'm quite honest... You're the best thing I've ever had too... I don't want to lose that... Not yet anyways." I couldn't help the smile that crossed my face at that. My hand moved to her face, brushing the stray strand of hair out of her face. 

"Can I kiss you now Addie?" I whispered, her eyes still looking into mine. 

"Just as long as you promise not to fall in love with me..." She whispered back, humor clear in her voice. 

"It's a little too late for that..." 

I chased her across the world, not caring if people thought I was insane for trying. 

She was the best I ever had, and I don't think I'll ever be the same. 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2014 ⏰

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