Day four

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today i got to skip school! i also get to wake up at 5:00 in the morning! i am so not a morning person!!!! but no pain no gain right? so i will tell you how my day went.

i hung out all day wih will dix, jared mcley, (my cousin), eamonn and thomas. there was some girls there but i didn't really like any of them! so i just said what ever and hung out with the guys all day! we had some magor inaproperate conversations!!!! like a new inside joke is sandwich. you have to have a dirty mind to think like this in our termes (WARNING INNAPROPREATE CONTENT) the bread is the surface ok? the the meat is the boy. the cheese is the girl. then there will be mayonas all over it! get it? if not that's ok! we are so dirty! also the bathrooms when you went would flush before you were done , like two or three times! so eamonn was going to the bathroom a lot so we were making this joke the eamonn was having fun in the bathroom! do you get it? lol! on a better note (less inapropreate) will and jared everytime they saw me they would say in some weird singing voice "broedy!" it was embarassing! i was with them for 12 hours! it was funny to hang out with guys all day!!!!!

we did really well in our competitions! we went undefeated!!! although the secound game we got called assholes before we even started the game!!!! i was voted best wittness and best attourny in the state! we did really well and even got 5th place. a wsr record!!!!

right after the bus ride home we had a chorus concert! so i waited for one hour till we could start practice, and just hung out with the same people! so that was my day! toodles!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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