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Depression is like having no lungs and being asked to breathe, Depression is nothingness and shameful, it comes out of the blue and turns everything black. You try to find the light again but all you see is the darkness and you're frustrated that it seems everyone else is blind, Depression is like a black shadow that surrounds my body, that keeps me to a certain schedule and routine and if I dare try to reach out of that black shadow, it smacks me down harder than before making it hard to do anything, see anyone. It's something that I would not with on my worst enemy, Depression is like being at sea. Sometimes the clouds clear and you see the sun for a little while, but then the huge dark waves roll over you and threaten to destroy your very soul, and then you are scared of people coming too close because then the sea will swallow them too, and you want to save them, even if it means drowning alone, My monster is too rude
For living inside my weak body without permission
My monster is too cruel
for hurting me without a reason
And making me cry in front of people
My monster is too greedy, for not being a satisfied with eating my heart, and willing to eat my black lungs too
My monster is too stolid, for making me suffer in silence form while i am not calm in the inside
My monster is telling me to run away and scream out loud.
My monster is begging me to erase myself
My monster is happy because i am making a nasty scars in my empty skin
My monster is changing me
From a city angle to dark demon
My Monster Is depression…

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