Chapter 7

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I'm really sorry for not updating for a very long time and I wanna apologise with this chapter. I missed you guys so much and I hope I'll be able to write more for you guys.

**khloe's POV**

As soon as I'm out the door, I don't bother waiting for Jake, instead I start out the street.

Panting and not being able to control my breathing, I increase my steps. I couldn't help but feel goosebumps, the same feeling I got walking into the girls bathroom and watched as the Hot brown head took advantage of that needy girl.

The way he had talked to her sent shivers down my whole body. Was he really that much of an asshole, taking advantage of girls like that and then treat them like dirt?

The thoughts kept on running through my mind and to my greatest discovery, I felt upset, I didn't even know why it upset me, but seeing him with that girl like that, upset me really bad to the core.

Either ways, it wasn't my problem at the time, my real problem was Jake and the feelings I had for him.
'Ugh'. Forget about him khloe, he's happy with linzy and wouldn't even look at you.

Already five blocks away from the club and the sound of music could be heard very faintly. My feet began to ache and all I felt like doing right then was stumble and fall, but I couldn't.
The further I got, the more the silence fell and all I could hear right then where the sounds of night lullabies and stray cats.
It was dead silence.

And I didn't like dead silence. Turning my back, there was no one, but then there's a ruffle in the bushes.


I stutter out of fear "is anyone there?". I blurt out unknowingly and then before I could do anything else I feel a pair of cold strong arms wrap around my waist tightly, covering my mouth with the other.

Fear bing the only existence to me right then, I stay as stiff as I can, trying not to move an inch. The grip becoming stronger each second and I could hardly breathe at all.

"Shh....don't worry love, I won't hurt you".

A creepy voice echo's around my ears.

I try to speak but he's almost squeezing at my lips, making me groan in pain.
I feel cold lips, cold but soft familiar lips press into my cheeks and I could feel its smile against me.

"Hello khloe". The voice says and I remain as stiff as possible. I'm going to die.

Before I know it, I'm being pulled into the bushes, throwing me unto the ground, I inhale the pain from my still developing boobs.
"What do you want?". I cry, still almost missing the ground, I turn over to try and see who it was but it was very hard through the ski mask he was wearing, eyes and lips only visible.

"You're just as beautiful as I can remember". The person behind the mask says, making me a whole lot fucking confused. "This is my only chance". He adds slowly crawling down to my side on the ground trying to touch me, his hands making way to my inner thighs, making me slap his hands away.

"Get the fuck away from me you bastard!". I yell quickly moving myself away from him.

At first something flashed in his eyes, I could swear I'd seen them before....not even seen, I know those eyes...., I couldn't stop looking back at those eyes, they were just all too familiar.
"I'm sorry khloe...but I can't". His raspy voice says before charging towards me.

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