Thank You So Much

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Hi guys~~~~~

Well, It's kinda a while for me to write on wattpad, but here I am

Thank you so much for all the responds that I get on the previous chapter/part about me asking your opinions about the sequel of this story.

The responds is kinda shock me, because the comments was quite a lot for me than I was expected.

Well, actually I didn't really expect any of the readers will responds to it....

So, I have 2 news for all of you that have been waiting for the sequel,

First news, the bad news. The bad news is, sadly I have to closed the voting for the main cast.


Second news, THE GOOD NEWS. Yup, I'm kinda working on the sequel right now. Well, actually I have been working on it for quite a while, and I'm kinda stuck on a point of the right plot of the story.

But don't worry, I'll get the ideas soon!!

But, I can not promise that sequel will be published on this month or maybe next month. But what I can promise is that I will do my best to published once the story is done.

So that's all for my comeback announcement, see you guys soon!!! Love you readers!!! ^^


Hi guys~~~~

Well, udah lama sejak terakhir kalinya author menuliskan sesuatu di wattpad, but here I am....

Terima kasih banyak atas respon-respon yang sudah author dapat dari chapter/part sebelumnya yang menanyakan bagaimana pendapat para readers mengenai sequel dari cerita ini...

Respon yang author sebenernya sedikit membuat author kaget karena saking banyaknya respon yang author terima daripada yang author bayangin, karena sebenernya author sama sekali yang gak nyangka bakal ada readers yang akan merespon pertanyaan author tersebut..

So, author punya 2 kabar buat para readers sekalian yang udah nunggu cerita sequel dari Wait

Berita pertama, the bad news... Berita buruknya, author harus menutup voting buat Main Cast dari cerita sequel,


Berita yang kedua, THE GOOD NEWS... Berita baiknya, author sedang dalam proses pengerjaan dari cerita sequel. Sebenernya sih udah lumayan lama, dan author sekarang sedang stuck pada satu point buat nentuin alur yang tepat buat ceritanya.

Tapi readers gak perlu khawatir, author pasti akan nemuin ide-idenya!

Tapi author gak bisa janji kalau cerita itu bakal selesai dalam bulan ini atau bulan depan, tapi yang author bisa janjiin bahwa author akan segera mempublish cerita tersebut sewaktu cerita itu selesai.

Jadi, cukup sekian buat pemberitaan comeback kali ini (LOL), see you guys soon!!!


Wait [ONESHOT]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang