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"What exactly is the mission guy sensei" you asked

"We have to go to the sand village and give this important document to the kazekage" guy sensei said

Everyone has been running for 6 hours

"Let's take a break" tenten said

"Yeah tenten is right it would be better if we rest" neji said

"Of course he agrees with her" you said lowly

Everyone went down and their were two tents

You didn't want to sleep with anyone

You got a blanket and sat on the floor

Lee went to go to get wood to make a fire

You went with him

The both of you grabbed a bunch of food and guy sensei started the fire

Neji grabbed a blanket and sat in front of you

tenten guy sensei and Lee where in their tents

You turned to the side not facing neji

"Can we talk?" Neji said

"About what ? That you cheated on me?"

"Let me explain"


"Tenten came up to me and kissed me I don't like her"

"I'm inlove with you tenten means nothing to me she's just a teammate"

You looked down

"I thought I couldn't change my destiny but my destiny is to be with you"

Your eyes watered

Neji pulled you close and hugged you

You put your head on his chest

"Thank you neji" you said as you fell asleep

*next morning*

Everyone set out to go to the sand village

Team guy arrived their in a few hours

Guy sensei told me to give the scroll

"Lord kazekage may I come in"

He was facing the window


"Here is the scroll form the hid-"

You paused as he turned around

"Oh lord Jesus is that the kazekage? He's so attractive" you thought

"A shinobi from the leaf you can call me gaara"

"Here is the scroll from the hidden leaf"

"Thank you"

"Your welcome,gaara" you said as you left

He looked at you

You came back to your team

Everyone headed back to konoha


"I can't believe I still have this on" you said to neji while you walked in the house

"Well that outfit guy sensei made you looks great on you"he said

You laughed

You went to nejis room

Neji layed on the bed

You took off your outfit

You were tired from the mission

You put on a over sized shirt

You layed next to neji and fell asleep

Neji looked at you

"Father,I found my true destiny thank you"

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