~Day 5~

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When Ali_A woke up, Bonnie was in front of him, claw outstretched. Ali_A was on his back against the wall, and he braced himself for a whole lot of pain. Somehow he knew how much it would hurt, as if he's experienced it before. Somehow... somehow...... that's it! Now Ali_A remembered. He remembered the horrifying night, the animatronics, the hole, the plan, and the pain, pain, pain. He looked down at his health. Three hearts, four hunger bars left. Not going so well. But he'd been locked in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria, with nothing to eat but-- oh, yeah. I'm in a pizzeria. Ali_A thought. With pizza. But who knows? At this rate, maybe the pizza's poisonous. Ali_A checked his inventory. Oh yeah!! I brought the chicken! He munched away, a bit relieved. After he had restored his hunger, Ali_A crawled over to Moivi. He was still stuck in the hole, asleep, with Chica towering over him. Ali_A pushed Chica back out into the hallway. Then he did the same with Bonnie. He checked the time. 9:00am. Wow. I fainted for two hours?! Ali_A gently woke up Moivi, and dug out a space for him to climb out of. Ali_A gave Moivi the chicken, and he gladly chomped it down. After Ali_A and Moivi were at full health, they worked together to put the animatronics away. By 10:00am, the pizzeria was clean. As Ali_A passed by the Backstage room, he had an odd feeling of trying to remember to do something that included it. "Oh yeah!" Ali_A exclaimed. "Come here Moivi, I have something I want to investigate!" Ali_A finished throwing out all the pizza boxes in his inventory into the garbage to the right of the Show Stage while he waited for Moivi. "Come on!" "N-no," Ali_A heard Moivi say from by the front door in the Dining Room. "N-no, you c-c-c-come h-here f-f-f-fir-first-t-t," Ali_A's mouth thinned into a frown with concern. Something was up. Ali_A cautiously made his way to the front door, where he found Moivi, standing on one of the crates, peering out a window. Ali_A hopped up beside him, looking through a window and expecting to see an ice cream truck (hey-- it would explain why Moivi's so broken up!). But he found something way worse. May as well have an invasion of fifty billion ender dragons. It would be better than this. Because outside the pizzeria, behind a big shed...

Were the bodies of five dead Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria workers.

Ali_A could not feel himself breathing for a few seconds, so he took deep breaths to calm himself. One part of his brain said, you have to do something!! We'll be just like them soon if you don't, rotting behind a shed! while the other said, there's nothing we CAN do! Now hurry, before it gets too late, explore Backstage! Wanting to think and look at anything but these bodies, Ali_A suggested, "let's... let's go look around in the Backstage place, K?" "OK," Moivi replied, prying his eyes off the corpses and heading to the door that led Backstage. Ali_A opened the Backstage door, and found... no. "NO!!" Moivi cried. "NNNOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Ali_A didn't do anything. He couldn't. He didn't even try to stop Moivi from screaming like a baby. His eyes watered as well, and he almost couldn't see it. But it was there. Oh, yes, as much as he wished it wasn't, it was there, slumped in the chair beside the phone.

Nothing but the dead body of the headmaster.

Ali_A's hands balled into a fist then went slack again. There was nothing he could do except wait for this so-called 'manager' to show up. But there was one more thing that Ali_A wanted to check out before he left. Ali_A went over to the bookshelf, and pulled something out.

The CD.

Ali_A took the CD out of the bookshelf and went into the Security Room. Moivi followed. In the Security Room, Ali_A inserted the CD into the radio, and turned it on. He pressed play. As it loaded, Ali_A and Moivi looked at each other with nervous looks. This will be interesting. The CD started with static, then with a familiar music. It was the music that the animatronics play. A voice said, "this CD is titled..." Ali_A and Moivi both held their breath. "Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria's hisory. It all started when..." The CD launched into an extremely detailed explanation about most things that related to the pizzeria. It talked about a new animatronic mysteriously appearing, named Golden Freddy, in the year 1986. This animatronic looked just like what it sounded like. A Freddy, but golden. This animatronic was broken down quite a bit. It had a missing ear, and hollow eyes that you can see right through. There are wires sticking in and out of him as well. When Golden Freddy appeared, none of the animatronics acted the same as before. It was like they had some sort of free will. It didn't really concern anyone. It wasn't really a big deal. Until one day. An animatronic was at a birthday party. This is where the infamous horror happened; The Bite of '87. In 1987, and animatronic bit a kid's front lobe right off. After that day, almost all animatronics around started disobeying orders, to even a murderous extent. So the manager of this pizzeria switched the animatronics' "free roam" to nighttime, to "lower the deaths". As a result, at 12:00am the animatronics would be free to roam the pizzeria, but at 6:00am they would be shut down into their programmed abilities. Unplanned moves during the daytime are about as rare as a purple cow, but sometimes they do happen," Ali_A and Moivi looked at each other in horror. This was not good. "The animatronic responsible for The Bite of '87 was one of the most powerful animatronics. There were more of these animatronics, as the CD was saying right then. "You see, we'd like to inform you that the danger that you were in was a smaller danger then... well... others. As these animatronics were out to kill you, nothing stopped you from fighting back. They would have to land at least four hits on you to bring down to half a heart. But there is another type of animatronic. These animatronics are rumored to be made by other animatronics. These kill animatronics consist of many spread out throughout Minecraft. Though the other animatronics may seem like they are extremely deadly, we can assure you that they are nothing but a baby's toy compared to these ones. DO NOT engage with the kill animatronics. I repeat. DO NOT engage with the kill animatronics. If you are in Freddy Fazbear's Pizzeria, the kill animatronic you must worry about is Golden Freddy. However, there is a way to turn him off. In the *kxkxkkxkxk*... the *kkxxkkxkxkxkkxxkk*" "we're losing the signal!" Moivi said frantically, looking around. Ali_A cried, "It's not the signal, you dimwit!! It's the power!!" The radio's sound slowly flickered out. As did the lights.

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