The start of a tale

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I lifted my hands off the handle of the saddle and spread them out wide. The wind rushed past them pushing them back. The air was cool and crisp, just cold enough so that you could see your breath.
"Ready girl?"
I asked stormfly. She purred slightly and tucked her wings to her sides. I held on tight to the handle bars as we plummeted towards the ocean.
I yelled as she opened her wings, halting our decent. We glided across the water at a high speed. I reached down do put my fingers in the water. The water felt icy as it flowed between my fingers. I slid back upright as we flew up towards a small island. We landed near the edge of a grassy hill. On top of the hill sat an old willow tree. The branches drooped towards the ground as if it didn't have the energy to lift them. We walked towards and I sat, leaning up against the trunk. Stormfly sat beside me cleaning herself. I let out a sigh as I rested my head against the tree.
"Who would of known girl? Vikings  on the backs of dragons. Hiccup sure knows how to change things for the better."
I giggle half-heartily taking in the view. If only my parents could see that. What would they say? Dad would have probably said
'It should be you on that nightfury! My beautiful daughter.' Oh and mum would probably say,
' oh she's to delicate to do anything of the sort sweety.' I smiled to myself as images of my parents flashed in my mind. My mothers sweet unfaltering smile. Her crystal blue eyes, twinkling with love. My fathers obsession with axes (probably where I get it from). His black beard, tickling my face as he picks me up and hugs me. Then the pain comes flooding back. Fire. Lightning. Rain. The worst dragon attack Berk had accounted. I tried to rid the though from my head. Too late. The flashback took over, hauling me into my past.
Snoggltog was in a couple of days and everyone was cheerful and happy.  Many Vikings had decided to decorated their helmets with different types of flowers weaved together. I skipped into town holding my mothers hand. I was only 5 and snoggltog was my favourite time of the year. We were looking for a present for dad! Hehe. He'll be so happy I just know it!
"Now Astrid, I've just gotta go and see the chief, stay out of trouble and don't go looking for trolls."
"Yes mommy."
I answered as she let go of my hand and walked over to Berk's chief. I skipped off down to the sandy area near the docks. As I get there, I see something crouched near the waters edge. It looked like... A troll! A snuck up to it and pushed it into the water.
It complained as I cracked up laughing.
"Hahaha! That should teach you not to steal my socks you dirty troll!"
I yelled at it as I continued to laugh. The creature stood up and turned around. I stopped laughing when I saw that it was Hiccup.
"Oh Hiccup. I'm sorry."
He looks up at me and does his side ways smile that I love.
"Wanna go hunt for trolls?"
He asked. A smile tugged on my lips as he grabbed my hand an we ran off.

Hiccup and I came out of the forest just after dark and made our way to the Great Hall. Still holding hands, we walk in. We snuck around to where the others were sitting and sat with them.
"I bet I know what they were doing in the forest!"
Tuffnut laughed.
"Yeah! Probably kissing!"
Snotlout added.
I turned to Hiccup to see that his cheeks had gone bright red. I giggled to myself and grabbed a plate of chicken.
After dinner my mom and dad took me home. It wasn't a large home but it was cosy and warm. We all sat down in front of the fire on a sheep wool rug.
"Find any trolls?"
My dad asked, ruffling up my hair.
"Hey! I just made those plaits!"
My mom said playfully. I laughed as she took them out and started again.
It couldn't get any better than this. Life was perfect.
It wasn't to last....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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