House of Memories

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Chapter 10- House of Memories

Brendon Urie. His hands were tangled in my messy hair breathing me in, whispering my name. I was pulling him closer- I couldn't get him closer. I breathed heavily as he held onto me, his strong hand holding my back and running through my hair. I put a hand on his chest pausing him for a moment. "Brendon can I ask you a question?"

"You just did, but ask me another." He said smiling at me- obviously pleased with himself.

"Why did you say that you didn't love me the way I wanted you to?" I asked terrified of the answer. Petrified actually.

"I was scared, I was scared of how I felt about you- so I thought it would be best to lie. To push you further away. Then while you were gone I was scared I would never tell you how I felt- how I really felt." He said while pushing back a brown curl in my hair. I pulled him by his collar gently towards me and kissed him lightly on the lips. I felt the explosion on my lips again but before we could continue, a Doctor walked in.

"Erhem, excuse me but Katsuo you're free to go. Just be careful, nothing too stressful and mind out for concussion, if you feel any dizziness come back to the hospital straight away." The tall doctor with a mass of red hair nodded his head as I said my thanks.

An hour later I was home and alone in my bedroom. My Mum hadn't allowed Brendon to come back to my house. She thought I should rest- I didn't want to rest though. I wanted Brendon.

That night was the first time in months I didn't have a nightmare. I didn't have a bottle of vodka cradled in the crook of my arm. I didn't have liquor intoxicate me and sting my throat. I slept comfortably knowing something had changed and for once- for the better.

The next day Brendon came to visit. It was eraly in the morning the sun still rising across the LA landscape. He had his dark hair slicked back, wearing black jeans and a blue hoodie. When he arrived at the door he took my breathe away. So this was the Brendon he wanted to be. Not the King jock, not a fantasy for girls and not the heart breaker for me. I opened the door and he stood there holding a small envelope. He smiled at me- a genuine smile spreading across his face. White teeth dazzling me.

"Hi Brendon." I said my voice shaking from nerves.

"Hello Cinderella I have come to collect you for the ball." He said chuckling to himself. I smiled at just the sight of an angelic boy stood there at my front door. My normal house, my normal life but nothing was normal about this boy.

"So Prince Charming where are you taking me?"

"Somewhere." He took my hand which was tingling under his touch. Leading me outside the door and onto the front garden path.This had been the first place we kissed- this house would now forever hold the memory, I thought to myself as I heard my loud footsteps follow his. I followed him into his black Range Rover . It had black leather seats inside and a small radio playing Teenage Dirtbag by Weezer. I sat in the passenger seat as he turned the keys. I sung along shouting the lyrics in my tone deaf voice. Brendon joined in his beautiful voice- I see why he took music, he's amazing.Once the song finished I Miss You by Blink 182 came on and I started screaming. I love them so much. Brendon hit all the notes and I just had to stop and listen to the angelic boy with the angelic voice.

"Why did you stop he asked?" While he watched the road carefully. For some reason I would have thought he would be a more reckless driver.

"Just listening to you, you know you should sing more- like properly."

"No I don't think so, no one would want to hear my voice," he said sadly as if he'd thought it through before. He fiddled with his hood strings as if he was uncomfortable. I rested the conversation not wanting to taint the morning together. We drove out of the middle of LA onto the outskirts. After another half an hour we ended up at the beach. It was cold in the morning air and the sand was scratchy and rough but it didn't matter to me. I was with him.

I wouldn't care if I set on fire, I was with him. Brendon, he pulled me to him and he pulled me so fast I fell on top of him. I giggled which was a new sound to me. He laughed and kissed me on my cheek and I blushed from the kiss. The heat rushing up to my cheek. He smiled tracing the outlines of my red cheeks with his soft warm hands. The sand was is in his dark brown hair making it look like tiny diamonds and his eyes shone in the rising sun. He looked perfect. The moment felt perfect.

I rolled over onto the other side of him holding his hand. I felt so calm and at peace in that moment. I knew this would make a beautiful memory- the sun beating down on my face, the sound of the waves crashing on the sand. Brendon.

We lay there for a while catching the rays of sun on our pale skin. After a while he pulled out the letter from out of his back pocket. I had kind of forgotten about it. It was slightly crumpled now from the fall we took. He passed it to me "Katsuo this if for you." I took the crumpled letter the paper rough under my hands.

In neat handwriting was written Cinderella. I opened the letter using my nail to cut the envelope. Brendon closed his eyes- he looked so peaceful. The letter had a dried tulip attached to it. It was fascinating- a clean and fresh white. I turned over to the other side where the neat handwriting began.

Dear Cinderella,

So what do I say, huh what do I say. Well let's start with why I'm writing and where I am. Right now I'm sat on my patio in a towel shivering in the night air- it's pretty cold. You just visited me and I was right. You would be the thing that made me snap.The thing that broke me.

I just had to tell you the hardest thing I may have ever had to say. That I didn't love you the way you wanted me to. I think you believed it, I saw the hurt and pain in your eyes. My chest knotted when I saw it, I almost couldn't breathe. Watching you walk away like that hurt me so much Katsuo. I know I hurt you I'm just hoping this is for the best. Though the aching in my chest makes me feel like it may not be the best for me. Sarah just called, I couldn't stand talking to her and pretending I didn't love another person. Your eyes haunted me- your green eyes dancing in my mind. Your messy hair and cute smiles. Why can't I get you out of my mind. I watched you leave, your heavy footsteps in your black Doc Martens. I watched you walk away from me till you were out of sight. I'm sorry if I hurt you- now I think if you're reading this I may have made it up to you. I hope I did. So I must have given you this letter. So what do I say to the boy who's breaking my heart and hopefully is right now fixing it?

My Cinderella, did you know the Prince was heartbroken when he thought he couldn't find his Cinderella. That's how I feel. I feel lost. Though the Prince also liked to behead rats. Okay, that's a lie but I'm trying to add some humour here. I feel like it hasn't worked though- I'm not a particularly funny person. Anyway Cinderella I wanted to just apologise for everything I have ever done to you. I'm sorry and here goes... I love you Cinderella.

I folded the letter slowly after reading it. Realising tears were running down my face- but for once they were happy ones.He opened one eye and looked at me squinting from the bright sun. "Prince Charming I love you too."


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