Love is Blind: 16 Onwards

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Chapter 16: Checkers

Me, Bill, Charlie, and Joseph ran down the stairs with glee. 

"Can you guys believe it?!" Charlie shouted.

"No, I thought we might lose against them, but we got lucky!" I replied.

"Well Francis, if you didn't plan that out, we might not have won." Joseph added.

"Well, I was watching this anime, and I got the idea of making them feel like they've cornered Bill, then Bill would pass it to Charlie, and score. Good thing that we executed it before time was up, though." I said.

We entered our room, and cheered out, "Guys, we won the Soccer match!"

"Really? Cool!"

"Awesome work guys!"

"Who did you guys go up against?"

Comments were coming from everywhere.

We were taking in the moment of glory, when Ms. Louise was behind us, trying to get in.

"Ahhh, excuse me, the next game would be Checkers. Participants, proceed upstairs."

I took out my clothes from my bag, and quickly went to the restroom to change.

Once I finished, I called out to my fellow participants, Ann, who was a transfer student from Singapore, Bill, and Claire.

We started walking, and we were practically nervous, since we weren't as good in Checkers. So I decided to give them some tips.

"Hey guys, if you're gonna make a move in Checkers, make sure that your defence has no holes, or else your  opponent will totally destroy you."

Awkward silence reigned among us, and it was really awkward. We arrived in front of the door, and proceeded to the stadium.

Four boards were set, and on the opposite side of our entrance came the West Twins, (Who were exceptionally good in Chess, and Checkers.) and for the girls were Rose Sweet, and Jessica Langley. Jessica had some experience in Checkers, and Rose, I don't know.

I looked at Ann and Claire, and I could see the worried looks on their faces. 

I took hold of their shoulders.

"Girls, you don't need to win, you need to give it your best." I said.

They both nodded, but the worry on their face wouldn't go away. I sighed, and went to Bill. 

"So Bill, looks like there's a huge wall standing between us and victory. Think we can win?" I asked Bill.

"Well, I don't know about that. But if you can make strategies in Checkers like you did in Soccer, I'm sure you'd win." Bill replied.

"Unfortunately, I'm not." I was a defeatist a lot, and that meant that I didn't have much determination. Especially here, I'm not good in Checkers.

But there was no room for complaints, we were chosen, so we'd have to give our all, to show the best our section could offer.

"Ladies and gentlemen!"

The sudden shout had drawn our attention to a podium facing the four tables. It was our principal, yet ever so cheerful.

"Tonight, we shall begin the Checkers match between the two freshmen sections!"

I took my place on the first table, and was faced with Bobby West, the fatter of the West twins. To my left, seated Bill, and was faced with the other twin, Billy, who was a bit smarter than Bobby. To his left were Claire and Ann respectively. Claire was facing Rose, and Ann was facing Jessica.

Love is Blind: 16 OnwardsWhere stories live. Discover now