Skype Call

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Cookie: *nervous laughter* please don't be mad....?

Saph: Sorry it took so long!


-(Y/N)'s P.O.V-

*(F/Y)- Favorite You Tuber

*(F/G/B)- Favorite gummy bear flavor


You were sitting at your computer, watching (F/Y), and having a heated debate about gummy bears.

"Oh my gosh, (B/F/N), the (F/G/B)s are obviously the best! Just stop trying to argue against it." You practically yelled into the phone, pausing the video you were watching. Dramatically sighing, you turned a deaf ear to her.

"Are you even listening to me?!" (B/F/N) huffed. You hummed in response as you watched your (F/Y) answer comments, not hearing her hang up.

Absent mindedly still 'listening' to your friend, you continued with your daily activities. Halfway through your..Honestly, you had lost count of how many videos you had watched... A Skype called popped up covering the lovely face of (F/Y).

Taking a guess that it was your best friend attempting to get your undivided attention, you click accept. In response to your actions, the face of (C/N) spread across your screen.

Your breath caught and your eyes widened as he smiled at you.

"Hey," (C/N) waves.

"Um... Hey (C/N)" You say giving him a small wave back.

"How are you?" He asks.

"I'm good, yourself?"

"Same here."

"That's good... Is there a reason you called me?"

Then the connection began to mess up, but quickly fixed itself and the video resumed.

"Am I not allowed to see your beautiful face outside of the classroom?" (C/N) said.

Blushing heavily, you were glad that your room was dimly lit. That didn't stop you from covering your face though, smiling like an idiot behind your hand.

"Hey, move your hand away.. I know you're smiling, and I want to see it." He smiled.

Slowly taking your hand away, you looked down at the keyboard.The next thing (C/N) said you only caught pieces of due to the interference of the connection.

Before the video went out as well, (C/N) signed 'phone' to you. Looking at your screen, you realized that he had sent you a message.

Will you go out with me?


Cookie: I think it's safe to say I'm speaking for both myself and Saph when I say:

Guys. We are soooooo sorry. School has been taking over lately and we haven't had much time to write. This chapter has been staring us in the face for a little over a month now, and we just now got around to getting it typed Sorry the chapter is short and crappy......On another note....

Oh. My. Gosh. 1.78K READS!!!!!!!! That's amazing!!!! Not to mention 70 votes... You people are fantastic.

I'm not sure most of you understand how happy it makes Saph and I to see your comments, votes, etc. Two months ago, we most likely would have laughed in your face if you had told us that we would get this far.

We aren't entirely sure when the next chapter will be up, but hopefully it will be soon.

Saph: Cookie's right. We are very sorry and we really appreciate everything you all do.

QOTD: What is(are) your favorite fandom(s)? (assuming most people have one)


Cookie: SPN, PJO/HoO, Harry Potter.. The list goes on.

Saph: Oh gosh this is hard! SUPERHWOLOCK! Umm... too many! Spn, Doctor Who, Sherlock, GoT, LOTR, Harry Potter, etc.

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