Wedding Day

335 13 1

December 22

"Kate!" Lanie yells. "Shut up woman! Geez I'm coming!" I yell from upstairs. seriously? she is so controlling even when it's my wedding. "don't give me that tone missy" she yells and I hear Cat cracking up. I slip on my shoes and walk slowly down the stairs. I hear intakes of breath and gasps. Do I look bad. I guess I had a panic look on my face because Martha suddenly said "you look breath taking Kate!" I walk over to the body mirror and look at my reflection. I gasp. Who is this beautiful woman? My dress has a sweet heart top and is strapless. its a beautiful cream silk and it has flowers going from my left hip to my right knee. My hair is down but parts are braided and held back with a flower. My dress was simple but beautiful. I just had on a little make up and my mom's ring is around my neck matching perfectly. The music starts and we all get in our line up. I grab my bouquet and link arms with my dad. "you look beautiful Katie" My dad says. "thanks you look don't look to bad yourself" I say. He laughs. "your mom would be so proud of you. This is how she wanted you to live" he says looking me in the eyes. My eyes tear up and I hug him. we separate. "Thank you dad" I say. "but now I think my makeup is messed up" I joke. He laughs. "It doesn't matter. It's your wedding day and I'm sure Richard seen you looking worse then you with a little messed up makeup" I laugh and we straighten back up. "Ready?" he asks. "not really but let's go" I say. we then start walking down the aisle. I don't have a veil on my face. I'm not appealed to them. I see my handsome soon to be husband Rick standing their with his jaw almost touching the ground. That makes a huge grin appear on my face. We reach the end of the aisle and my dad hands me off to Rick but he pulls my hand back jokingly and then give my hand to Rick. Everyone was laughing. Oh I didn't mention that the chest on my dress has red sparkles on it that matches Rick's Blood red rose and my blood red bouquet. Rick reaches around my neck and takes of my mom's ring with the chain. He hands it to my dad who is standing behind him. What? The priest says the usual stuff. "Do you Richard-" He starts. "I do" Rick cuts him off earning a lot of laughs. "Thanks your name is a tongue twister" The priest says making everyone laugh again. "do yo-" "Always Absolutely positively yes" I say. "Geez can't you two wait?" the priest jokes. Rick and I laugh. "you may now kiss the bride" he says. I pull Rick so he is the one bent down and I kiss him. "Geez she is strong, at least they waited to kiss!" the priest says. Everyone laughs. I stand up straight. Rick and I break our kiss. "I was suppose to hold you in my arms like that" Rick pouts. "aw I married a baby! Redo!" I yell. Everyone cracks up. Rick picks me up bridal style. The song Tip Toe Through The Tulips by Tiny Tim starts playing. I start laughing and throw my head back. Rick carries me to the party bus and sets me in the middle seat. "If I kiss you in the garden in the moonlight will you pardon me? And tip toe through the tulips with me?" Rick sings. I laugh and soon Lanie, Alexis, Cat, Kevin, Javy, Martha and my dad along with Destiny, Johanna, and Serenity join the bus and we start heading to the reception. "I have to say Kate you are very loose today" Kat says. "its her wedding day why wouldn't she be" Lanie exclaims. I laugh. Cat is 3 months pregnant. She and Kevin are overjoyed. I knew she was pregnant before every one else! Haha!! "Back wood's legit. Don't take no sh*t" I sing along to Boys round here by Blake Sheldon. "Kate!" everyone yells while Cat and Lanie laugh. "what?" I ask. "there are kids" they whisper. "it my wedding day!" I exclaim. the bus stops and I go to stand up but Rick picks me up. I giggle. He carries me outside and into the building.


Sorry for not updating in awhile! Tip toe through the tulips gave me inspiration for this chapter. You can give me inspiration by commenting and voting because I really need it.




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