Through Wreckage

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Rated: PG - 13 for Violence, Language, Sexual Speaking, and Homosexuality

"Jack!" Yells out a womanly voice. This voice belongs to Gwen. She is known as the 'heart' of Torchwood. Don't ask why, it's a long story.

"Over here!" Responds a man's voice. It was in an almost growling tone. That growl belongs to Captain Jack Harkness. Captain of what you may ask. No one truly knows.

"Oh my god!" Gwen ran over to her friend who had blood on his clothes but no wounds. He was immortal, he can't die. "Where's Tosh and Owen?" She asks quickly ,forgetting about their tea-boy Ianto.

Jack rose to his feet and towers over her. "They got to safety from what I know of, Tosh grabbed her laptop and ran out before the wall collapsed. Owen ran after I was bitten by a somehow escaped Weevil." Jack shrugs his coat further onto his shoulders.

"So all hell broke loose when I wasn't here? It's like bloody school all over again!" She rolls her eyes. "How long do you think it will be until Torchwood will be safe and working?" She asks and crosses her arms across her chest. Not in an angry way but just a way to use her arms just in case they fell asleep from hanging down for so long.

Jack walks towards the computers. "I'm not sure." He tries to start up one of them but the wires were cut from the electric surge that happened when the wall collapsed. "Did Ianto call for you?" He asks keeping his stare on the wires trying to connect them back together.

Gwen raises her eyebrow. "No." She almost shrugs. "Ianto, that's the boy who gives us coffee, right?" She says trying to jog her memory of the tea-boy.

Jack stands up and looks at her with a stern face. "Yes Gwen, the one who gets us coffee!" He takes a quick breath before trying to connect the wires again.

Gwen opens her eyes wide at the raising of his voice. "He didn't call me. Was he here before?"

Jack stands up quickly. "Dammit!" He exclaims in frustration and scans around the wreckage.

Gwen jumps her arms falling back to her sides. "What?!" She moves closer to him but makes sure he won't snap at her again.

Jack walks closer to the wreckage. "Ianto!" He yells. "Gwen, check over there. Ianto is still in here!" He yells. "That's an order!" He shouts out of anger and it echoes through the walls.

Gwen nods and walks over to the stairs and runs up to make sure he wasn't harmed in any way.

He walks over to a pile of papers and smashed coffee makers. "Ianto?!" He yells, the boy went through so much to get into Torchwood and it would be horrible if he was dead. "Ianto, where are you?!" He spots a glimpse of a suit jacket and runs over. "Ianto!" He kneels down next to Ianto's presumed dead body.

Gwen steps out of the room. "No sign of 'im!" She yells towards wherever she thought Jack was. She couldn't really see through the dust from the fallen wall.

Jack pulled Ianto up out from where he was lying. He was under a few coffee makers and tea cups. He feels for a pulse. "There's a slight pulse." He speaks to himself because it helps him remember. "Ianto, can you hear me?" He strokes the boys cheek not wanting to slap him or do anything to make him wake up with a bruise or red finger prints on his face. Giving up he leans down and kisses the boys lips, not in a passionate way that he would usually do, but what Gwen and him call 'the kiss of life'. He'd done it a few times through his many years.

Gwen ran down the steps. "Jack?" She attempts to not trip on the wreckage. She manages to get halfway until she trips on a wire, she caught herself but felt stupid for tripping. "Jack, can you-" she stopped when she say him practically making out with the unconscious tea-boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2013 ⏰

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