CHAPTER:3 Another Will?

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So I'm in the shower lathering coconut shampoo into my hair when I here a knock at the door. I quickly rinse off the shampoo and apply conditioner, so I can get out ASAP. So after 7 minutes I jump out the shower. Then I wrap my hair in a towel. Then wrap one on my body. The knocking stopped. But as soon as I ran through the kitchen... it started again. I walk over and look through the peep hole. It was a man, a man with caramel skin and a beautiful smile😍. So I opened the door. He looked at me and said "hey, I'm Will I heard you just moved in, and I wanted to welcome you to the building, but maybe I should come back later. Here's my number just give me a call." Then he walked away. I laughed and closed the door. Then I thought, wow the irony another Will!!!

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