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Read Qur'an not because you want to just collect good deeds but also because you want to collect good deeds through change in your character.

'The best of people are those with the most excellent character.' [Sahih].

Don't you want to be the best of people who are praised by Allah in this hadith? Of course who wouldn't want to achieve that? The question is what are you actually doing to achieve that goal? If you wait for an update of your character more often than an update of your favourite book or series then yes you are going the right way. But how do you update your character? Ever wondered why are we said to read Qur'an again and again so that we attain good deeds? Because Qur'an upgrades your character. Each time we read the Qur'an we upgrade our character, even if the upgrade is just an atoms weight. Each time we read, we get to learn something new. Each time we read, we wonder why don't I remember this from the last time I read? Because Qur'an teaches us countless of lessons that every time we read we get to learn something new. Subhan Allah what a writer Allah subhana wa ta'ala is and that is why he says again and again to the people that 'ask them if they can bring even an ayah like in Qur'an.'

I remember when I was so bad at character. I used to get angry so easily and I used to get irritated easily. Well I don't say that I am still that good like others but still I am trying. My maid said 'from when samra has started to come in kitchen she has changed, her anger is calmed' and other things too. They don't know that it was not those things that changed me, it was my Islam that changed me. I started to help in kitchen too (not much but just little) when I read how important for us is the status of a mother. I was changed when I started reading Qur'an with translation and yes it has a major effect on me.

My main motive is to tell you people that whatever we read, it has major affect on us. It in not a thing which can be controlled. It is a mind set up of every human being and that is why it is said to 'read' Qur'an often because whatever we read, it makes our character. Each and everything you read, it makes up your character, not just the Qur'an. It is useless to tell your heart that 'no I won't be affected.' Because it is your brain, it will be affected by whatever you read and you say you will control it? Can brain be even controlled by brain? Lol does it even make sense?

Anyways if you really want to build up your character, then avoid reading much novels. I don't say that stop it completely but read only of those whom you trust, whom you think that they will help you to build up your character and who won't affect you in a negative way. I have stopped reading alhamdilillah except some which is written by my trusted friends (just 2-3). And again I would suggest read QUR'AN instead of wasting your time here, which doesn't even guarantee you that you will be improved. (Especially the teenagers, it is the age when your character under goes changes and your character set up is in process).

Forgive me if I said something wrong.
Allahu alam :)

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