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As tagged by the officially fabu Flamingtail, here you go! I feel my title fits the requirements. And I altered one requirement, for my sake.

1. Must post somewhere random.
2. Post fifteen things about yourself.
3. Tag fifteen people.
4. Cannot back out.
5. Do it within a week or I shall punish thee.
6. Cannot be in comments, but in a book.
7. Give the chapter a fabulous title!

* also, just to clarify, Banjo and Dexter is the same dog, soooo... :3


1. I am a very introverted female StormClan apprentice named Flamepaw.

2. My favorite family member is Dexter.

3. I love listening to Alkaline Trio, The Offspring, NOFX, and The Violent Femmes.

4. Right now I am upside down in my bed. ,-,

5. My favorite TV show ever was Gravity Falls.

6. My favorite warrior cat book was Tallstar's Revenge, but if I had to choose out of the arcs, The Last Hope. ( I LOVE BATTLE SCENES! )

7. Whippets are my favorite breed of dog!

8. I have many, many books planned, but at the moment I am writing: Thrice A Week, The Many Species and Warriors of EchoClan, and The 2016 EchoClan Olympics. |:3

9. When I grow up, I wanna be a YouTuber or a bestselling author. ( or both... )

10. ( thank Jesus were more than halfway.. ) I think WarriorsOfEmberClan is my favorite joint account, not counting WattyWarriors and CloudtailGrandmas, cuz they're just.. different.

11. I have and play Lego Dimensions!
( which has cost us like.. 100+ dollars.. 0-0 )

12. I like watching the gymnasts doing the loopy-loops in the Olympics. :3

13. I raise EchoClan like they are my 94 babies. Along with BEBEH BANJO!

14. Once when I told Dexter we weren't going outside then he went over to sniff my phone and then hit the 'K' key... O - O

15. My iPod's ear bud wire is broken...



As a form of punishment.. I shall spam you with notifications. It could be follow spam or vote spam, I don't really mind which.

OUTTA MY WAY CLOUDTAIL ITS NATIONAL SPAM [ insert non-participant here ] DAY!


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