Chapter 1

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As the day pass, everyone was ready for bed. Marinette was thrilled to put everyone to sleep... It was her thing.
Everyone groaned as Marinette sweetly said "alright everyone! Time for bed!"
As She led a giggle at their reaction, Manon jumped onto her bed and snuggled herself into a little ball... Hero was all tucked and ready to sleep... Everyone was in their bed smiling at her...
"Okay everyone, tomorrow's a new day, so get some rest...." She sat down on Hanna's bed and tucked her slightly.
"Marinette, can you sing us a song again?" Ordered Hero softly "I can't sleep without a song" Hero pouted and Marinette nods...

Sweet sweet knighting gale....

As Marinette ended, everyone's eyes were closed and tight ... Drifting away in the night's slumber... Alya was on the doorway leaning on the wall with her arms crossed but the other hand held a small red cloak ... Marinette stood and walked towards her and grabbed the cloak slowly with a smile "thanks Alya."
"You sure you'll be okay out there? It's pretty dark. Something might happen out." Alya says to her worriedly .
Marinette gave out a re assuring smile "I will be careful Alya don't worry... I have done this a hundred of times!" She says giggling and then hugged her "I'll see you tomorrow."
"See you" Alya shot back and they pulled away.
Marinette bid goodbye and walked into the woods--- a bit too far from the kingdom's castle.


The woods were quiet and peaceful.. Hearing the crickets and the wind blow onto the trees made her feel uneasy yet satisfied... It seemed like someone was watching her every movement... she was paranoid. A jitter from the bushes were heard. She jolted her head towards the ruffling pile of stemmed leaves, as her heart beated rapidly like a drum... But then, A little injured wolf came out whimpering.
Marinette got alerted... It was a wolf!
Though it was little and harmless... Seeing it with limping legs, she felt bad for it... Even she herself know that with an injured leg, it'll be useless to hunt and fight. She quickly ran to it and made sure that it wasn't scared "hey there little guy.." She lowered her body into a crouch and says it with a comforting and soft tone... The little pup was taken aback and limped...
"Hey Hey..." She quietly whispered "It's okay..." She added as she scooped the pup in her arms... The pup felt calm in her arms... She smiled at it and played with it's paws "aren't you a cute one" she says then placed it down.

She took out a small piece of bread from her pocket and fed it to the little pup...
The pup licked her hands in reply to it's happy tummy. Marinette giggled and looked at it's wound ... "Hmm poor thing... You might have been caught in a trap" she says and ripped the part of her cloak... Making the pup cringe.
She wrapped it around it's wound and smiled "perfect" escaped her lips.

She stayed for a little while and sighed ... "I guess your mother ain't gonna pick you up anytime soon huh?" She smiled "how about I take you to see some friends tomorrow?" She asked the pup as it danced around and plays with her hand.
"Alright let's go" she says and stood up... The pup surprisingly followed her footsteps home.

But in the end, there was someone watching her... And she didn't know she'd proven two traits..

Kindess, and Generosity.

Welp! This chapter was fun to make.... Yup! My head is exploding with ideas right now and it hurts haha😂😭 also, I'm sorry for the short chappie huehue😆 I was really tired when I made this.... Yeahhh I promise that the next chappie will be worth it....
Anyways! I hope you like it🌚💓
-XoX author

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