Chapter 9

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The  next day I woke up and Cas was already downstairs making breakfast. "Hey angel." I said doing up my shirt as I walked down the stairs and towards the kitchen. "Hey dean.. How'd you sleep?" He asked as I kissed his cheek. "I slept fine. When did you get up?"
I asked as I grabbed the paper. "At about 6:30. I wanted to make breakfast for you." He said and but a stack of pancakes and some bacon on my plate. "Thanks babe." I said as Cas put his plate down across from me. "You're welcome." He finished as we started eating.
After we finished I did the dishes and went to take a shower. Before I could get in my phone went off.

SW: hey Dean Iz and I are stoping by later if that's okay. She has a doctors appointment so we'll be out.
DW: okay we'll be here. But you have to bring me beer
SW: jerk.
DW: bitch.

Cas' pov

While Dean was in the shower I decided to watch some tv. I grabbed a cup of water and sat down. I turned on Netflix and put on a movie. "My Bloody Valentine! Yes!" I said since I love that movie. I love horror movies... But Dean doesn't so I can't watch them very often. After a out 20 minutes dean's walked downstairs in a flannel shirt and jeans on. "Sam and Izzy are coming over later.." He said and sat down next to me. "Oh?" I replied. "She has an appointment and they wanted to stop by after they're done... Is that okay?"
"Oh course!" I answered and put my arm around him. "I'm looking forward to seeing them again. I'm always happy to see your brother and Izzy." I finished and kissed his head. "You're my angel you know that?" He said softly as he put his head on my shoulder. "I love you." He continued "I love you too." I said and rested my head on his.
While I was watching the movie Dean was sound asleep on my shoulder. He stayed there for about 2 hours until the doorbell rang. "Dean." I said and got up. "Yeah?" He replied in a sleepy voice. "They're here." I finished and opened the door. "Sammy!" He yelled getting up and walking to the door. "Dean!" He replied in a sarcastic and not as loud voice mimicking his yell. "Izzy!" He yelled once again as he gave her a hug. I followed and gave both Sam and Iz a hug after Dean. Although Dean didn't really hug Sam he just slapped his arm.. Really hard. "Really?"
"Pay back is a bitch Sammy deal with it." He said and grabbed a beer for himself and Sam.

Dean's pov

"So how's the whole pregnancy thing?" I asked Iz sitting next to Cas on the couch. "It's good. It's only been 3 months so ask me about about 5 more." She said smiling. "Want some tunes?" I asked heading to the record player. "Yeah sure whatcha got?" Izzy said. "Oh here it comes the long list."
"You can do that thing where you just shut the hell up forever." I said and grabbed some records. "I have... Metallica, ACDC, Kansas, Asia, Air Supply, Deep Purple, Blue Öyster Cult, Foreigner, Def Leppard, SuperTramp, what do you want?" I said not even half way through my records. "Kansas?" Izzy replied. "Okay." I said taking out the record from its case. I turned it on and the first song came on. I immediately started singing. "Carry on my wayward son, they'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest, don't you cry no more!" I said and started to pretend to play the drums in the air. Cas just laughed at me. And so did Sam and Izzy. "What? It's a classic." I said and continued to sing and drum.
After a while we decided to play cards. "Son of a bitch!" I yelled as I lost 5 hands in a row. "Awe Dean." Sam said mockingly. "Your gonna do that thing where you just shut the hell up. forever." I said and dropped my shitty hand of cards in front of me. I grabbed another beer and walked back to the table. "One more. Then we should get going we're looking at houses at 3:30." Sam said and looked at the time. After the last game Sam and Izzy left and Cas and I went upstairs. "Hey Cas! Dr. Sexy MD is on. Wanna watch it with me?" I said not even slightly ashamed that it was my favourite tv show. "Sure." He said and crawled into the bed with me.

Sam's pov

When we got back to the house Izzy and I got ready quickly to go. We went to at least 6 houses before we decided to put an offer on one. It was a nice grey brick house with 2 floors. It was the perfect size for me, Izzy and our baby. And it was a good price to. After we left I texted Dean to tell him.

SW: we just put an offer on a house
DW: GREAT! I can't wait to see it, hope you get it Sammy
SW: thanks Dean. I hope we get it too.
DW: me and Cas are watching Dr. Sexy MD :)
SW: tell Cas I feel sorry for him lol
DW: it's a great show.
SW: yeah. Okay ;)
DW: don't yeah whatever me!
SW: goodby Dean.
DW: bye Sam.

We got home and dad was sitting in the living room watching tv. "Hey dad." I said as he turned around. "Sam, Izzy how was house hunting?!" He said excitedly. He practically jumped out of his chair when we said we put an offer on a house. He was so happy for us. It was great.

After dinner we all went out to see a movie.
When the movie finished we went for ice cream. Dad refused to let us pay so we got the littlest we could have possibly gotten. But he told the lady to give us all double scups when we weren't listening. He insisted on spending money on us. He never lets us pay for anything when he's around. He always insists that he's the dad so he can spoil us. I love him but man is he stubborn.
It was 12:00am when we got home so we all decided to go to bed. By the time I got ready and crawled into bed Izzy was sound asleep. Not long after I passed out too.

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