"Do you trust me?"

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I decided to take a rest from the chemotherapy for today. My parents never understood how tired it is, smells like a hospital, being treated by a machine, or seeing the same doctor with same the advice. Yes obviously, because I have a cancer.

I also walked past by Mrs. Joe's house today, and saw a new car parked outside. Must be a visitor I think. I walked past her beautiful garden, and felt very strange. The garden was sure, beautiful as always but I thought as if today was way more.. beautiful.

I saw.. her. Who is she? Why is she sleeping there? She looks like a doll though. Her skin looks pale and soft, her hair.. damn. Pretty long wavy hair at the bottom. Pretty much looks like a doll.

I decided to see her closer, step by step. Here I am, as close I could. Her face looks a little bit like Mrs. Joe, though. Long lashes, pink lips.

I rub her forehead while smiling at her. I don't know why I even do that. My brain told me to. I rubbed her forehead from up, to down.. Up to down.. Up to down...

She's.. Beautiful.

what is that? a diary? Lind.. Lindsey.. Wiliams.. ?

Is that mean she's Mr. Wiliam's daughter? oh.. now I get it.

"Grandma.. could you bake me your delicious chocolate cookies pleasee...? she said in her sleep.

WTF? I don't even have a girlfriend .How can I be your grandma woman! nah just kid.

Pft. Okay let's say something..

"Oh okay my darling Lindsey~ whatever you want, my dear~" HAHA that's sure is funny.

"Yo-you.. what are you doing here?! what are you doing to me?" she said.

I grinned. How cute.

"Oh my dear Lindsey, there's nothing to be afraid of~"

"How do you know my name?! you must be one of the stalker or a rapper or.."

shit. How dare she said that. I am even dying myself.


"Or.. a predator!"

dude.. she's so loud. But so cute.

"pft. It's in your diary,"


"Your name."

how clueless is she.

"Okay, what do you want?"

"what?" wait what?

"You knew my secrets now. What do you want me to do to shut your mouth off?

what the heck..


pftt what is wrong with her..

"what are you-"


I stared at her, deeply into the eyes.

"You were funny. Actually I only read your name. Nothing else." I said. She sounds immature though.

"O-oh.. Right.."

"Should I read more?"

"Nn-no!" She said.

I smile.

"Can I ask what your name is?" she said.

I stopped and and leaned closer to her while pulling some of her hair and smelling them. I don't even know why am I doing this thing. Then I let the hair go.

"Brian." I said.
"Nice to meet you, Lindsey Williams."

She flustered a bit. Maybe she don't even know how to react.

"Y-yeah.. me too." she said.

"Hey. Since we're friends, now.. do you trust me?"

"of course, bbut-"

I stood up and carried her with me. I sweep her out her feet. Trying to look like a man.

"wwhat are you doing?! where are we going ?" she said in shocked.

"To the place where we could keep in a box of memories together."

That day, my heart changes.

That day, my heart changes

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