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Steve's POV
"What the hell do you need us for " Bucky asks annoyed  as he looks at the clock "at three in the fucking morning"

"He said the word of bad language " Clint  says as I chuckle slightly  "we are still on that subject I mean I said the word once and no one has gotten over it " I sigh loudly

"Especially me" says a new voice which I did not want to hear

I rolled my eyes "what are you doing here " I ask

"Well hello to you  too " he says with sarcasm dripping through his voice "no how was your day honey no meat in the oven is this how your supposed to treat me " he says putting a hand in his arc reactor as if he was shocked

Sam let out a chuckle as I gave him a death glare "You haven't answered my question yet" I say angrily gritting through my teeth

"Exactly what you need " he says as he shows them a computer with a girl who looked in her early  twenties picking up Thor's Hammer when she was cleaning "my maid her name was Afnan but we were too intoxicated to notice it and she had the real cube in her heart  because the one we thought we had was a fake from Odin that son of a bitch and we need her " he says as I growl

"No we need her she  knows what we are going to do that is why we need her on OUR side " I say clenching my fists

"Nope we already have T'Challa getting her address" he smirks as if he won a Noble Peace Award

I take my hands and shove him into a wall as Natasha was about to stop them Clint gripped a hand on her shoulder as if to say 'let them deal with this '

"Don't you dare " I threaten

"Oh but Capsicle I already did " he smugly says

"Well she will want to be with us " Bucky retorts

"Yeah in your dreams " Nat says looking at her nails

"Are you crazy Nat she will come to us " Sam says

"The Falcon is right" Wanda says

"None of you are right " A voice booms as the look at the door and see Afnan all shocked as she changed and others wondering who she was "oh did I interrupt a fight oh God I hope it was about me probably " she says shrugging "becoming a Trillionare and yeah that is a thug because that is what I am now I guess I am three times worth Thai whole room " she says blowing on her nails
(Btw what she is what she wearing is above )
She walks over her heels clicking making me cringe "Ma'am" I say politely as she takes something out of her pocket and closes off the cover and chucks it a wince as I slowly look at Tony to see it landed right beside his ear "and you better be lucky because you do this again and I won't miss " she she threatened as I look shocked and Tony looks scared shitless "uuuuuhhh" he says "we want you on our team" he blurts out as Afnan raises an eyebrow

Afnan's POV
I sigh loudly "you guyS are still doing this " I asks annoyed "yes ma'am and we want you on our team we want to help and be in war and they want to avoid it " Steve say letting go of Tony "no we don't want to make more war " Tony says glaring "and that's what they'll do " he says

"Well you k ow who I choose " she says as they all look at her eagerly " I choose team ....."


So what team do you want her on ?

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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