~Hitting it off right away?!~

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Hey, So i decided to start a new story... It will probably suck so... Ehh sorry!

~Chapter 1~

~Hitting it off right away?!~

I'm a 19 year old girl named (Y/N). I've been working at Grillby's for about a year now. I've made a couple of new monster friends by now.

I couldn't believe that monsters existed. I don't have a problem with them to be honest. Sometimes I feel like Monsters are better than Humans. Anyways. Tomorrow was the day my parents were going to meet my boyfriend! I'm so excited. I made it a surprise and didn't tell them his name until they actually meet him.

I told Grillby about my parents coming to town just to meet me and my boyfriend , Marco.
Marco is a nice and kind person. I know my parents would approve of him for sure.

"Hey (Y/N). Since your parents are coming to town tomorrow, why don't you have the day off?" says Grillby from behind the counter.

"Are you sure Grillby? Is it really okay?" I ask as I begin to clean the counter.

"It's Alright Really. Anyways... Where are you going to meet your parents?"

"I was thinking.. Maybe this would be a great place right?"

"Of course. I would also really like to meet your parents. Is that alright?"
"Of course it is Grillby. I was going to introduce them to you anyways"

Just as i finish my sentence the door swings open. I turn to look at the door to see that it was just Sans.

"Heya Kiddo"

"Oh hey Sans, What's up?"

"The ceiling." Sans jokingly says as he sits down.

"Oh HA HA Sans" I say in a sarcastic voice.

"Would you like your usual Ketchup?" says Grillby

"Why yes my good sir and uh.. Put it on my tab"

Grillby went to go fetch the Bottle of Ketchup.

"So what's new with you (Y/N)?"

"Well... My parents are coming to town to meet me and my boyfriend, Marco."

"Oh really? When?"

"Tomorrow. I'm sure my parents will approve of him. He's such a kind person , I'm sure he would never do anything to hurt me."
"Oh. Well good luck kid."

Grillby comes back with the bottle of ketchup and hands it to Sans.

"Anyways... I have to go home and prepare for tomorrow. See you guys!"

"Goodbye (Y/N)" Says Grillby

"See ya Kiddo" Says Sans

I start walking towards the door, turn back and wave goodbye with a big smile stuck to my face.

Once I get home i see that i have mail. It reads...

"To (Y/N) From Marco. I'm Sorry..."

Huh. I wonder what that was all about. I walk into my apartment with the envelope still in my hand. I open the envelope to find a letter. I quickly open the letter and read...

"Dear (Y/N),

   I'm sorry. But frankly I can't be with you anymore. I know i was supposed to meet your parents tomorrow but I don't think we should go out anymore. You see... I've met someone else.. I've grown to love this person deeply. She makes me happier.  I know you'll hate me after this. I completely understand if you do. It's not your fault , It's mine. I just think we should see other people.  I'm sorry it didn't last long (Y/N).

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2017 ⏰

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