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is the story good or no? I'm 100% doubting myself rn



   An icy puff of chilled air breaches past my lips. It swirls around in the high altitude, only to evaporate into nothingness. What all of her beauty is made of sits in front of me with red and flustered cheeks as her mouth moves at a rapid pace. Though, I am not listening.

My pale purple eyes rest on her own. She groans while running a hand through her ruffled curls, letting them float with the clouds. I trace over her pearl white tunic and rest my fingers on her golden waist belt.

"They will find each other, I promise." I speak out softly. Her eyelashes sit atop her upper cheekbone with such elegance, that till this day I am still stunned by her beauty. Worry etches across her face, and she whispers.

 "Wonder if they can't find a balance?" The voice she speaks in has grown soft while laced with sorrow. My fingers tuck back a strand of curly baby hairs that shape her face, behind her ears. She sighs, purring into my touch.

"One shall be life, and the other death." And with that, we both disappear into a fog as we travel across the lands from above.  


My eyes scan the crumpled newspaper as I grow more and more heated. Rosie always had a place in my heart, I thought that the culprit would only get some jail time. In my head I read over the black ink multiple times, in hopes it would just go away.

'Murderer by the name of Atticus Robertson was executed last night..'

Niall comes bounding into the living area with the same article in his grasp. He breathes heavily, blue eyes wide and movements frantic. We look at each other, not knowing what the perfect words to say were.

I was torn between angry and upset. My heart couldn't stop pumping rapidly in the cage it was captive. Dismissing any conversation,  I trace the tip of my pointer finger under the words as I kept reading further down.

'Police had found him beside a dead animal with an iron dagger through his chest. Robertson had been the killer of Rosie Miller, a sweet University student with a life ahead of her. We mourn with you New York.'

Niall looks up from the paper at the same time I do, we make comfortable eye contact. I crush him in a tight hug with no feelings except a tinge of sadness. I wish we never went out that night, if only we begged her to call it a day and stay inside to play board games. Anything besides clubbing.

Fate has a funny way of destroying the living. 

"Louis, lets go out tonight." The blonde lad suggests hopefully, taking the newspaper out of my hands and crushing it between his own. I raise a perfectly plucked brow when he already starts to grab his trench coat and keys.

 "Well, I guess I have no choice blondie." Niall only laughs at my typical sass, and grabs my wrist to drag me out of the kitchen and into the hall. I scoop up a random novel but stop dead in my tracks when Niall gives me a look. The same look I always get.

"Mate, you don't go out to clubs and read books." He states like it's obvious. I blink once, twice, before pouting my lip.

 "Ni I don't want to go out when Rosie just got-..." I trail off, not wanting to bring the topic up once more. I wasn't ever as close to her as Niall, we all have different coping methods to overcome tragedy. 

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