A Year

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A year ago, today,
Everything started.
Our friendship blossomed,
And my feelings, ignited.

I began to look deeper,
And notice every little thing.
Like how you smile so brightly,
And it made my heart zing.

I started to take note,
Of how you acted towards me.
Your every little action,
That somehow filled me with glee.

My hope rised,
Beyond it's supposed limit,
Only to simmer back down,
And fall in a bottomless pit.

I felt so uninformed,
Unaware of your past.
I was filled with curiosity,
So I asked.

I found out about her,
The well of your inspiration.
The one you admire,
Who you look at with such adoration.

Your smile, your laugh,
I can tell it's for her.
Whenever you feel down,
I can tell she's your cure.

I understood completely,
After your story was told.
Compared to her, I'm just stone,
And she's your treasured gold.

What can I do,
I can't compete.
She's your everything,
She makes you complete.

About a year ago,
We used to grow closer and closer,
But now its the opposite,
You're inching further.

You'll end up leaving,
And that's what I fear.
You've known eachother for a long time,
I've only known you for a year.

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