Surprised Breakfast ? - Fandom War

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Rochelle's pov 

 I woke because i heard noises outside our room.So i wore my slippers and walk outside,I saw the boys going downstairs, Its very early to be awake,I saw the clock and its 4 a.m 

 " what ? " i asked myself 

I went back to our room and grab my jacket , its very cold , then i remember its november.I silently went downstairs.I heard someone laughing,I tiptoed and checked the kitchen,Isaw the singers.Cooking ? why are they cooking ? 

Oh breakfast ' silly me '  , wow they are gonna make breakfast for us ? i thought were gonna have some chefs around , silly me again 

I tiptoed back to the stairs but someone grab my arm and pulled me inside a closet

" please dont kill me " i said

" hahaha , why would i love ? " that voice is familiar

" niall ? " i asked

" yeah , why so up early love ?  " he asked me 

" oh uh .. you know i fell asleep ... early .. yeah ... " i answered

" so ... uhm please go back to ur room .. it wouldnt be a surprise if you already know " he said 

" ok .. " i said , he gave me a kiss on the cheek i know im blushing right now 

" good girl " he said and we both went out of the closet , i quietly went to my room , and went back to sleep 

Ariana's pov

I was baking cookies and noticed selena and justin helping each other cook pasta,They look very cute together i wonder why those two broke up.I kept watching them until someone snapped me out

" hey ... dont watch them .. they are best friends now they do that " ed sheeran said 

" but .. look at them they look so cute together .. perfect .. " i said

" i know but justin cheated .. one time so they broke up but then decided to be just friends .. " ed said

" oh ... maybe there is a reason why he did that .. " i said

" we dont know lets just let them be like that they look happy " ed said and i nodded 

Selena's pov

I feel so happy with justin today,Cooking pasta is fun specially with him,He makes me laugh saying some good jokes making me smile,But i know we are still friends but i still have the feelings for him.Just hope he never cheated ... he kissed a girl on her lips,He did that i saw it with my two eyes and he said its true ... but we decided just to stay friends 

Harry's pov

After 2 hours we are done arranging everything , its time to wake them up . Liam and Louis was left in the kitchen while me and the others will wake the contestants.Niall said he and Zayn will wake Bianca and Rochelle , so it means im gonna wake Nicole.

Islowly open her door , then noticed she was now upside down ? what the hell , her head is on the end of the bed her feet is rested on the pillow ? 

I walk towards her and sat beside her 

" wakey wakey " i said  " nicole .. time to wake up " i said

" no ... ayaw ko pa " she said , i did not understand what the other words she just said 

( a.n : ayaw ko pa means i dont want to ) 

" wake up its me Harry " i said and she slowly opened her eyes

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