Chapter 17 The Final Stand

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"Phew....that was way too close for my liking." Said Tom whilr giving of a sigh of relief.
"Yeah.....way too close, but we did it and that's what matters." Replied Benny
"Yeah, science and magic, thats the best combo."

Suddenly, the magic around the Zarantulas resized the zarantulas into a smaller scale, like the size of a tennis ball.
"Did you add an extra touch to that spell Tom."
"Yeah i included a spell of minimization so that it would be safer and wouldnt leave a big ship in stasis about a persons height above the ground."
"Yeah that would cause quite a bit of confusion." Laughed Benny.

"So what shall we do about Varg." Wondered Tom.
"Well we do whats right." Answered Ursula seconds later.
"Well whats that then?" Asked Benny.
"I guess it doesn't matter cause he doesnt have anything to do or anywhere to go. And he knows that whatever he does, he wont beat us wizards. After all this time he should realise that the wizards have won again and whatever he plans next......

The Wizards Will Stop It!

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