The Delinquent

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"Mikasa, I'm warning you. That Yeager guy is an asshole and a player. You don't know the real him." Levi said, eyeing Mikasa who was jotting down chemical equations in her book. The two best friends were studying in her room, doing their usual study session after school. Currently the female ravenette was dating the school's 'It Boy' which was her long-time crush. Thus, hearing Levi talk about Eren in an improper manner annoyed her, knowing that he was being too over-protective of her. He didn't have to.

She sighed. "Levi, please stop. It's not that you know the real him either." Mikasa raised a brow, trying to make a logical point with him. She moved her hand onto his which was balled into a fist. "Don't worry about me. I won't let anyone hurt me without getting revenge afterwards. Plus, if he did try to cheat on me, you're the first person I'd tell and I'll give permission for you to beat the crap out of him. Just don't kill Eren. Deal?"

The male grunted, knowing that Mikasa was making him a promise again. It was a bad habit of hers to do so. Her smile was infectious and kind, as always.

To Levi, Mikasa was smart, funny, understanding and beautiful. Probably his reason why he loved her so much and detested anyone who tried breaking her heart. Eren was not the right person for her, albeit, not that he thought of himself was any good for her either. Levi was everything but a good lad. He was a delinquent at school with a name that everyone grew to know as an, 'Acker Brute'. He found pleasure in hurting people and ruining their lives until he realised how much of a loner he actually was. The days of torturing people's happiness passed after meeting Mikasa, the girl who had the courage to come up to him during recess and had lunch with him.

He had to admit, it was a pretty bold move to do as she -and everyone else- knew he didn't like sharing tables. But, at first glance of her caused something in the back of his mind to alter which he wasn't accustomed to. That was being friendly.

"You know, I hate it when you make these kinds of deals. I mean, you always get what you want from me and that annoys the hell out of me." He stated in a monotone manner. A light chuckled escape the female's lips while he was still displeased with her. "Just come to me the moment he fucked up. Got it?"

"Yeah, yeah." She waved a hand. "Now help me with this equation. I don't understand a thing."


Recess happened and Levi was hanging alone at the cafeteria. Again. Suddenly a pair of hands covered his eyes from behind, blinding him from eating his egg tart. The smell of lavender entered his nostrills and immediately, he knew exactly who the hell was wishing for death.

"What the fuck are you doing brat?"

"Aww. How'd you know it's me?" The girl took her hands off and giggled once Levi clicked his tongue. Mikasa then sat beside him, placing her Physics books onto the table whilst tucking strands of hair behind her ear. "You sure love tarts, don't cha? And tea."

"Oh. How observant you are." He spat sarcastically, and he continued to munch on his food. Mikasa lightly hit his arm.

"You're so mean. I hate you."

"I know I am. I love me too."

"Ugh. Such a narcissist." She rolled her gray eyes. Just then, the ebony teenager caught sight of something over by the trash can. If she saw correctly, Eren was somewhat flirting with another girl who was in the same Literature class as her. Mikasa's jaw dropped at the sight of him playfully tugging the girl's hair before smelling it. "What the fuck?" Was all the ravenette could say.

Levi heard her -surprised by her sudden swearing- and averted his eyes over to Mikasa, only to find a horrified expression masking her face. Tears started to flood her beautiful onyx orbs, which baffled him for a moment.

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