Heartbreak and Hockey. Loving someone who doesn't love you back.

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So I bet its hard to picture yourself falling in love, growing up, getting married. Hell its hard to picture myself going to college, but it's bound to happen. Sadly though, my life has been reduced to cleaning my room and feeding my dog. People always say have something you live by. You could live off the saying smiling makes you happy. Who the hell came up with that one? Me? I live by sometimes its best to be alone, that way nobody can hurt you. Im sure you're probably thinking, 'wow. What does a 16 year old girl know about heartbreak?' Alot. Im getting ahead of myself though. I'd like to show you my life up until now. Enjoy:)

Chapter One-

As I said above all I had going for me was my ability to clean rooms. Look, if I wanted to become a maid I would have, but I had bigger plans. I was that girl who planned her life out during her 9th period study hall and came up with baby names on her ipod. Yup. Yup, that was me. I was in love with the idea of falling in love! Crazy right? Sadly I wasn't on the popular side of things. You would think being a sporty, athletic blonde who gets good grades would be nice and fun. Wrong. My friend count was probably at five. 

It never bothered me though. I had better things to do then goof around with sexually obsessed highschoolers. Right? Right. So there I was, a loser with no friends, a neerdy gpa, and glasses. Sexy, right? No! Who the hell in their right mind would wanna date a girl like that?! Guys be honest-Whats the first thing you look at when you're checking out a girl? It sure as hell ain't their charming personality or smile. "DUDE! Look at her rack!" That's all I hear when walking the halls at school. 

So to save you from pissing yourself at my horrid life I'll sum it up. Blonde, 15 (at the time), geeky, no friends, never had a boyfriend, never been kissed. L-O-S-E-R. Am I right? So that was my life. Trust me I wished I could switch, to look good, dress hott, have a sexy boy for myself. Nothing ever went my way. Well atleast it didn't until my brothers hockey season started. 

Ps. --Thanks for reading:) Hope you enjoy. Chapters will be short but I put new ones out every day! 

---Love BrokenHeartedGirl22

Heartbreak and Hockey. Loving someone who doesn't love you back.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon