Chapter 2

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Hey loves❤️
So I decided since the last chapter was pretty short and maybe a little bit boring that I will add another chapter‼️

Bellaaaa, bellaaaa, I here someone whispering my name than suddenly my eyes start to open.

"Who's there?" I yell as I try to get up but for some reason my body feels heavy and I can't move my legs. So I try to look around to see if there is any exit where I can try to leave. But there wasn't, I soon realize I'm in a dark cave. How the hell did I get here? Wasn't I out hunting with Edward and Renesmee ? What happened, how come my body feels so-

"Bella you finally awoken" Someone's says from the dark I can't see them but it sounds like a girl

"Who's there, how did I get here? Show your face" I yell

" How do you know my name? I swear if you try to hurt me..! I will kill you " I scream louder

"Bella relax no one is here to hurt you. I brought you here to talk and show some things. But first lets get some light in here "  she says than suddenly she lights a candle and I can see her face.  She has light brownish, reddish hair. Her skin pale like mines. And she has bright red lips like mines. She's not vary tall maybe a few inches shorter than me. If I wasn't mistake we kinda look alike but that's weird because I don't have any siblings. What was also odd is that I couldn't smell her blood.

"Bella you sure like to stare" she says with a laugh

"Since you seem to know my name what's yours" I say harshly 

" My name is Annabelle" she states simply

I don't know why but that name sounds familiar like I know it somewhere

"Ok Annabelle  can you tell me why  I'm here"

" I will but first lets take care your body I'm sure it feels heavy" she says

I just look at her wondering how she knows

"It's heavy because this cave is made to make vampires weak"  she states

I'm simply shock on how she new I was a vampire and also wondering what she knows about it

"Hooww ,how did youu you know I was a vampire" I stutter

She just laughs while mixing some herbs in a cup

"Here drink this " she says completely ignoring my question

I stare at it but than open my mouth for her to put the drink in because I still can't move my body. But as soon as I drink it I began to work my body again. But I'm still weak.

"Ok now tell who are you and what am I doing here" I growl at her

She just stands there like I don't scare her. Like she's waiting for something

"You will see everything you need to know" she says plainly

It confuses me though because it sounds like she is speaking in riddles

I start to get mad I speed over to her and grab her neck and bang it against the cave wall she starts bleeding on her forehead but just as fast as it came it disappeared. I looked at her shocked she smirked and started singing this chant over and over

"Ti fib do Jed wh wi e"

Next thing I new I was in Forks, Washington in my dads houses in the living room  except that he was way younger, and what was more strange was that my mom was there and she was younger to. I tried to speak to them but it seemed like they couldn't hear me . Suddenly I here a baby cry coming  upstairs. I speed up there to my old room which is currently a babies nursery. When I step in I'm shocked. Because I see me as a baby, but also there was another baby in the room to. It was another girl It kinda looked like Annabelle but it could be anyone but she was the one crying .  As I was observing and trying to put pieces together and figuring out who this mystery baby is. I here footsteps. It's my mom Renee coming in. She sees the baby in the crib next to my crib is crying and she goes to her. 

" oh darling Annabelle don't cry mommy's here" she says calming the baby down

I am shocked because I might have a sibling that I never new about. I'm getting even more mad because my parents never told me about her .

So I've been sitting in this room for hours trying to figure out why I'm seeing this now and why no one never told me about her. When suddenly I here a Big Bang coming from downstairs.  I quickly speed downstairs and see that someone in a black graduation like gown in a hood with a mask on bust into the house and is choking my mom screaming "WHERE ARE THEY" in a evil voice
My dad quickly grabs his gun and tries to shoot at the mystery person. But hooded guy screamed you try to shoot I promise the bullet will be in your wife's head than hooded guy screams "WHERE ARE THEY"
My dad scarily says
"Where are who "
My dad says "there not here "
"YOU LIE ,YOU WILL PAY ". Than he punched my mom and knocked her out I scream even though no one can here me . I'm wishing I could do something . Then hooded guy speeds over to my dad grabs him gun and knocks him out with it .
Then he slowly makes his way upstairs he goes to the nursery and notice one of the babies isn't in the bed which was me and I notice that I'm hiding under the crib but hooded guy didn't see that so he just to Annabelle and ran out the window. By now I'm screaming and kicking than I here it


I bust my eyes open and notice I'm drenched in sweat, than I see Edward

"Bella are you ok you were screaming"he says

"Edward I have a twin sister " I say

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2016 ⏰

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