Chapter 3

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You see, I'm just like you.

Those words play on repeat in my head.

How? How can you be like me. Bear the same curse yet be so fearless to stand up for me at the same time? It doesn't make any sense. Both our lives would have been in danger then, had you been caught. So why put your self at so much risk? I can't comprehend it.

I reach down and take his hands. I look over them, as he wears no gloves. "Is it on your back or something?" I retort. "You're welcome to look although I'm not used to girls being so forward with asking to take off my clothes." He laughs.

I scowl but can't help but blush. "That's not what I meant and you know it!" I shout. "Do I?" He further teases. "Snarky little piece of shit..." I mutter. "Is that the way to speak to your savior, now?" He asks with mock innocence. I grumble. Ugh, why is it this asshole had to be the one I owe a favor. Lucky for him I'm a decent person who repays debts.

"I take it that because your mark isn't as visible, that's why you walk around so freely." I remark. "Not at all. I'm just that carefree." He says earnestly. "How about this; each of us gets to ask the other a question and we have to answer honestly. You can start." He states. Well, it would give me some more information on who in the world this guy is.

"Fine. What's your name?" I ask. "Boring! The name's Cade though. Now, since we're getting the basics established then what's yours?" "Nellie." "Nellie, huh? Interesting name you've got. Am I correct that you came from the Sludge?" Cade asks using the common term for the area I live in. As it's inhabited strictly by those of us without a home really. Well, that and even I'll admit the place is a little run down.

"Alright, can I see you're mark?" I reply. "You're quite brash when it comes to flirting, love." He mocks. "Oh, enough!" I cry out. Does this guy give it a rest!? "But to answer you're question, no."

"What do you mean no! You said to be honest!" I shout angrily.

"First of all, never be so blind in trusting. And secondly I cannot show you my mark because I simply do not have one." He sighs.

"But you said you were just like me?"

"I am. In the sense that fate seems to frown upon us at least. Being different in any way isn't exactly a good thing in our society." He responds bitterly, staring off as if he's lost in thought.

"Sure, others may not be favorable to us if they found out but you're wrong with fate frowning upon both of us. Don't you see how much of a blessing you've been given? You're completely untouched and left to write your own destiny. My life, even if the middle is up to me, the end of my life's book has been decided for me." "Hm, I've never thought about it that way before. Ya know, I'm starting to like you, Nellie. You seem to be different than I thought you were." He lauds. "Same can be said for you too. You aren't exactly the knight in shining armor I had pictured." I throw.

"How cold. But I mean this, Nellie. Keep in touch. I have business at the moment and I'm assuming you don't have a cell phone - ?" I nod. "Yes, so meet back over by that fountain right there, two days from now. I'll be there at noon. I'll see you soon." He blurts out in a commanding tone. I don't even have time to respond before he's left.

I return to my car and drive back home. I toss the package of bread in the passenger seat and enjoy the ride back. I can't help but replay the memory of today, it's not often something interesting happens.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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