5| That Mortician; Lust

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"It looks like we have another new recruit!" a voice said.The silver-haired male opened his eyes and looked up. Where was he? Who was he? And why was he here?

"Oh you're awake! Do you know your name?" the voice continued speaking to him, but he couldn't come up with an answer. He only remembered that it had started with an 'A.'

"I don't remember..."

"Well, from now on, your name is Adrian Crevan. Welcome to the Dispatch Society. You're a reaper now, son," the guy offered his hand to help him up. Adrian's new life would begin here...with no memories of his past...

"But, who are you? Where am I? I don't understand any of this," the new reaper questioned.

"You don't need to know any of that stuff. It is of little importance to who you are now. You're Adrian Crevan, a soon-to-be reaper. All you need is a little training from me and you'll be set far from the rest!" the reaper smiled. His hair was white, pure white. It wasn't the silvery-grey color Adrian had. His eyes, or rather eye, was red. It looked, to Adrian, as if he was staring into a pool of blood. Adrian looked around at the people who were shuffling about. They all had the same eyes. If Adrian looked at himself in a mirror, he would notice that his eye color had changed to that of theirs. So, why did this guy have a red eye?

"You're quite the observant one. I'm sure you'll get far here. I'm a 'child of misfortune.' My eye is red, but make no mistake, I am a reaper as well," the man smiled. Half of Adrian felt he could trust him. The other half felt he shouldn't.

"You should be grateful, it isn't everyday that a reaper gets to be trained by the likes of me!" he smiled again. "Be happy that I'm not sending you to the reaper academy where everyone else goes. No, I see great things in you, Adrian."

Adrian noticed that as he followed this guy around, people stared at him. They purposefully got out of this man's way. Was it because he was special? Was it because he had a high position in this society? Was it because he was someone to be feared? Perhaps, it was all of the above. Adrian was too young a reaper to know the ways of reapers. He didn't know any better.

This man continued to train him in the art of collecting until it was time for him to move on. They had grown close, but Adrian's memories would be suppressed. He would think that he was always alone since the beginning. He would forget the strange red-eyed man and move on with his life.

All he had was his experience and a job to look forward to.

But, who was that man? Who was the person that first welcomed him to the reaper world?


The door to the funeral parlor opened. It had been a while since The Undertaker had gotten a visitor. It just wasn't a good season to die, apparently. If he wasn't a reaper, he would've starved to death with the lack of money he was receiving at the moment. What would it be like to plan an undertaker's funeral? He almost wanted to die just to find out. 

"I already told you, Vincent, that I don't have anyone you're looking for," The Undertaker groaned and rolled over in his coffin. He had gotten used to sleeping in this one and, with the lack of business, he didn't have to get rid of it yet.

"Sorry to disappoint you, Crevan. I'm not Vincent," a voice said. The man leaned over the coffin and smiled at the annoyed ex-reaper. The Undertaker's eyes widened. He didn't remember who this guy was, (in relation to him) but he did recognize him from all the photos lying around at his old reaper division. "Xerxes Break. Why is someone like you visiting me? Have things gotten that bad that the reapers need more recruits?"

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