The Bloodbath at the Cornucopia

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{The arena: a jungle}

As the siren goes of, you immediately race off your pedestal, sprinting towards the bags of supplies. You grab one and start to run away when someone tries to yank it from you. It's the girl from 11. "Get off!" You shout, as you engage in a tug-of-war battle. She pulls out a knife, eyes sorrowful. "Sorr-AGH!" A spear imbeds itself in her chest, giving you time to take the bag and her knife. You look around for where the spear come from, and meet a pair of green eyes a couple meters away. Harry, you think as you sprint away before anything else happens.


{The arena: a desert with huge dunes, one oasis, a few thin forests, and some ruins}

"It's okay. You'll do fine," you whisper to yourself as your glass tube rises up into the arena. Your eyes immediately meet Liam's. The two of you had already pre-arranged to be allies. He gives you a brave smile which you return. As the countdown ends, you leap off of the pedestal, the sandy terrain making it hard for you to run. The two of you are lucky and have no close calls as you grab a pack each and run off in the same direction, far away from the horrible scene.


{The arena: an old, abandoned city with skyscrapers}

30... 29... 28... The countdown is ringing in your ears. You glance around at the landscape: there are buildings everywhere, you seem to be in an abandoned plaza. 22... 21... 20... Everything is dark, the moon is shining weakly from behind the clouds. 15... 14... 13... 12... Your heart rate increases. 5... 4... 3... 2... 1! With a burst of adrenaline you launch yourself off the pedastal. You snatch a bag and try to go for a sword when something sharp slashes across your arm. Yelping, you sprint away from the blood-crazed career pack, bag bouncing behind you and clutching your arm. You would just have to go weaponless for now. You ran a few meters before crashing into a body. Zayn. The two of you freeze, holding eye contact for a few seconds, before sprinting in opposite directions.


{The arena: an ocean with many islands}

Nothing but panic fills your mind as the waves drag you under. You surface, only to be knocked down again by another rogue wave. Your flailing hands suddenly come into contact with something hard. You grope at the slippery surface desperately, the waves constantly attempting to make you lose your balance. Suddenly a hand grips your wrist and pulls you up. Coughing, you turn around and meet a pair of brilliant blue eyes, that belonged to Louis. "Run!" He hissed, giving you a rough shove. You don't hesitate in sprinting away.


{The arena: a pine/oak forest, mountains}

As a career, you own the blood bath. You have already grabbed a bow and knocked a tribute down. Another one flees from the scene and you draw your bow, releasing the arrow and pegging him in the back. You're having trouble concentrating though, as your mind is plagued with worry for a certain blonde haired, blue eyed boy. You're trying to find him in the frenzy and don't notice a tribute approaching you from behind with a sword. "[Y/N]!" Your fellow career yells, hurling a knife and nailing the attacker in the forehead. "Be more careful, 'kay?" He lectures, and you nod, still not completely focused.

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