My dad forced me and my brothers to go on a trip with him to the grand cannon . I'm excited but I don't wanna be here with him . the drive was very long coming from where we live in the middle of the country in Montana. Evil thoughts were running thru my head and I tried to avoid them . I'm starting to think there's some thing seriously wrong with me . my heart feeling being broken all years since my mother died , makes me feel like I'm losing all sanity . I'm young and this shit scares me but yet it kind of ...makes me feel good 😈😈. After a few hours and we make it to the cannon , my brothers go wondering off and leave me with my dad . my dad doesn't say a word to me but every look he gives me just makes me wanna toss that asshole in . a tour guide sneaks up behind me and scares the bajeepers out of me . "hello I'm Samantha , I'll be your tour guide today ", I look at this lady and she doesn't look the slightest bit normal. She starts walking us around and I follow ... Where is she leading us to? As we keep walking we approach a cave . when we step in she starts speaking in some foreign language . Something ain't right here I think to myself . *thud* I turn around and see that the cave we have entered closed ... And this isn't what I expected . "we have found the chosen ones ".. I sit there confused on what she means .. I try to speak but she interrupts. "We have found the broken and the drunken and we must start our ceremony " . the people and the the "tour guide" start chanting and screaming and screeching til my ears started to ring .
My mind clicks and all sanity escapes from me .
I black out ..
After What feels like hours later I wake up and I lay next to my father's dead body. I think to myself what the hell just happened? I look up to see the tour guide and the people she brought us here to, surrounding me . "you have done what you always wanted to , wish granted fellow creeper ", they all say in a wired creepy voice . without thinking I speak "thank you , now bow down to thy master " , my voice has changed and I feel great ...but my life is not yet complete ...I must sacrife thy world and become the all powerful queen of insanity.
HorrorA girl who deals with feeling lonely all the time and being left out ...she don't even feel like she fits in with her own family or this world she lives in day ...she loses all sanity and goes completely insane