Chapter 4 Getting To Know Eachother

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"So why are you training out here, especially by your self?" Jay asked curiously.
"Well its kind of a family thing and also it helps with anger sometimes." David said calmly as he stared to meditate. Jay tilted her head,
"Hmm, how?" She asked sounding confused.
"Well do you ever get angry?" David asked as he stopped meditating.
"Come on sit down with me." He invitingly continued.
"B-but..." Jay started but David cut her off,
"Don't worry about the food I can put a spell on them to make them think they ate so they aren't hungry." David said reassuringly.
"Ok but if I get in trouble I'm blaming you." Jay said sounding unsure.

"So like I said, do you ever get angry?" David asked curiously.
"Not angry, more aggravated but only when something doesn't work or when someone is annoying. Things like that why?" Jay responded honestly.
"Ok so you do something different than me this should still work. Take your bow and arrow and shoot it at the moon, I'm going to put some spells down and when your about to shoot put all your stress into the arrow and watch." David said. When Jay shot the arrow she did what David ask her to do and she looked at him,
"I don't feel different." She said sounding confused.
"Watch." David said as he pointed to the moon, boom, boom, boom ......boooooom.
"I now feel lighter but I don't feel that much, I still feel the same, kind of more exited, energetic but I still feel stressed and annoyed." Jay said sounding confused yet happy.
"Your not supposed to not feel stress or annoyance anymore but there memories, you'll always feel them but what just happened relived some and just in case you wondered I put up a force field so no one could see that. That's why I train." David said as he started to practice fighting.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2016 ⏰

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