Let Me Introduce You...
I started writing poetry when I was 12. I was in seventh grade. It was towards the end of that school year, that I first started to get depressed. Long story, but I've been through a lot in my life (maybe I'll write my life story out for you all and post it one day...) and while writing poetry, I started to realize my true feelings. I'm not going to tell you much more than that for now because I hope my poems will tell the stories to you.
I take a lot of time to perfect my poems, all though not much editing goes on because I like them to be raw and real. Editing just takes away the emotion that was poured into the peom as it was being written.
Anyways, I won't post my poems in order that they were written. I'm just going to be posting them randomly. I'll put the date so you know when it was written (if you care, haha) and I'll explain each poem after, so you have the chance to read and understand it first.
I've written this on every poetry notebook I've ever owned and I don't see why I shouldn't put it here: 'To everyone who has inspired any one of my poems, I thank you. I love you all.'
much love,