Chapter Twelve

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Over 13,000 reads and nearly 400 votes! Wow! Thank you so much guy! This chapter is just another chpater on Seth and Aaron again, before it gets hot and spicy ;) If you know what I mean ;D    ~ENJOY~


I woke up about a hour ago and crept into the shower without Aaron knowing, I took one of his hollister top with a pair of jeans then got changed and now I decided that I'll make breakfast for Aaron instead. I closed the door behind me, making sure that I didn't wake up and made my way down stairs.

Just as I step onto the last step, the front door opened and revealed Sharon, looking tired as hell. She was still in her doctors uniform but it was all creased and I think it had blood on it...

"Hey Sharon." I smiled sweetly.

"Oh hey Seth!" She greeted back as she closed the door. "Where's Aaron? You do know that school is back on right?" And I nodded in response.

"He's still asleep, I planned on making breakfast for him." I said and she made a 'awwe' face. "Sharon, shall I make you a cup of coffee? You look shattered." I suggested.

"Oh that would be lovely! Make it decaff though, I want to sleep in a bit." She said and sat down on the couch.

"Coming right up!" I said and went into the kitchen. I turned the coffee maker on and got out eggs, bacon and some bread. I made Sharon a cup of coffee first and brought it out to her in the living room. "Here you go." I smiled as I hand the cup over.

"Oh thank you darling! I'm going to head up to my room and finish some report then bed. You make yourself at home and be sure not to be late for school O.K?" She ordered the last bit. I nodded in reply. Sharon walked up the stairs and I went back into the kitchen.

I turn the pan on and crack two eggs onto it. I put two slice of toast into the toaster and waited for the egg to be cooked, when it did, I placed it on a plate then placed the bacon onto the pan. Then I spread butter onto the toast and place it nicely next to the egg, then the bacon. I got two glass and poured apple juice in one, for Aaron and orange in the other for me.

I walked back up to Aarons room and slowly opened the door, I peeked inside and he's still not awake. I walk in and placed the trsy down on the table in his room and walked over to him.

"Aaron, wake up." I whispered in his ear. All he did was turned to the other side and a 'mmm' sound. "Aaron..." I whispered again, this time he lifted the cover and covered his head. "Wake up already!" I yell down his ear slightly.

"What time is it...?" he murmured.

"6:45. Wake up." I nudged him

"Ugh! Its still early!" He groaned and fell back asleep. How dare he! I'll teach him a lesson!

I crawled over to him and gently blew his ear. He just waved it off. Then I leaned down and licked the back of his ear, before sucking on his ear lobe, causing him to moan. Yes!

"Come on Aaron...Wake up...Please..." I moaned and licked his ear again.

"Alright! Alright! I'm awake!" He yelped. "That's a horrible way to wake someone up!" He pouted and I just gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"Love you too." I smiled innocently. "I made you breakfast." I said and walked over to the table.

"Ooo great! But one thing." He pointed out. "Need to go to the bathroom first because of what you did before!" He blushed and ran out of his room. I chuckled. We all know what he's going to do in there.

Me, My Step Brother & My Best Friend (Boyxboy) (IN MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now