Nemo and Dory

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Nick's P.O.V

They rushed her into the hospital with her still gripping my hand tightly. She had been so tense since she had been told she was in an ambulance because she went unconcious. I walked next to her as they rolled her into the childrens part of the hospital. 

"Based on her symptoms we need to get her into the MRI room stat. Get an IV hooked up and get the drip going. Her vitals are steady now, but we're not sure if what she has comes in waves and if it does there's only a matter of time left til we hit the next wave." The doctor ordered as they rushed through the brightly lit white hallways. The nurses came up seconds later hooking her up to an IV and got the drip set. Next thing I knew she was being wheeled into the MRI room and I was being instructed to wait outside. After the scan the wheeled her quickly into a room and got her settled. Minutes later there was a faint knock at the door. My head shot up to see Alec standing at the door. 

"Hey." He said faintly. I nodded my head and he took a step forward. 

"Every one is on their way. How's she doing?" He asked concerned. I knew he was like a brother to her. 

"She's concious. They sent her in for an MRI about 10 minutes ago and took the labs about 5. She can open her eyes and everything she just hasn't said a word which concerns me." I answered back looking back at her resting body. 

"She's gonna be okay Nick. She's a strong person." His words reassured me even if he was just our security. Just then the rest of our family showed up. 

"Guys? Can I have a minute alone with her?" Joe asked quitely after we had all been gathered around Ainsely for at least ten minutes. We all filed out of the room and into the hallway giving him some privacy. 

*Ainsley's P.O.V*

"Hey LeeLee. It's me Joe. I just want you to know that it's going to be okay. They're going to take good care of you and were gonna get you back on your feet in no time." Joe whispered while he held my hand. I wanted to say something back I really did, but I just couldn't bring myself to it. I squeezed his hand to let him know I was there. For the last 10 minutes before everyone left the room he showed no emotion. He just stayed quite. Every one else chatted quitely amongst themselves, but Joe stood lifeless with out a word. I had to let him know I was going to be okay. 

"Nemo?" I whispered. It taking everything for me to say his nickname. 

"Yeah sweetie?" 

"Nemo you need to know I'm a strong person. Having four brothers makes me a tough cookie. If I can make it through those late night wresling matches at home, I can make it through what ever this is. And you know what, I'm gonna kick it in it's ass." I said smiling. I fluttered my eyes opened just to see a tear roll down his cheek, and land on my hand. 

"I know Dory. I know. And you know what else I know? I know that you have an amazing family beside you ready to fight what ever this is with you and kick it in the ass as well. Even though you're most deffinatly not aloud to say ass." I smiled hearing his words knowing that I was going to be okay and make it through this. 

We sat there in a comfterble silence for a while until we heard another knock at the door. It was the doctor. 

"Anisley?" He asked as he steped into the room. 

"Yes." He looked down at his files and then back up at us. 

"Where is the rest of your family?" He asked concerned. 

"They went down to the cafeteria a while ago they should be back soon." I answered for her. 

"Would you like the verdict now or when they all get back?" She sat there. I could tell in her head she was contimplating. 


"Ainsley. What you've experienced today was a seizure." When he said this her hand squeezed tighter in mine, but she still kept a brave face. "Your MRI shows us that you've been having these for quite a while. And as a side effect of this your blood sugar drops super super low. So all though the seizure isn't causing to much the blood sugars are contributing to a lot of it. I know this is a lot to take in right now, but there are easy steps to manage it. Why don't you take a minute to decompress and then I'll come back to fill you and your family in on the rest of the details." He nodded his head and then turned on his heels and walked back out the door. 

"So LeeLee, what are you really thinking right now? And don't worry about being brave. Even brave people need to cry sometimes." I said squeezing her hand again. 

"I'm scared nemo." She started crying and I climbed into bed with her holding her in my lap. 

"I know LeeLee me too." I said stroking her wavy brown hair. 

"Joe? Will you sing to me?" She asked so innocently. I knew I had too. I started singing her favorite song Fly With Me. It calmed her crying down until she fell asleep. I knew this was going to be another long week in the hospital. As much as I loved Nick and I was there for him during his diagnoses, I wasn't as close and protective of him as I was Ainsley. It pained me to see her like this, but I knew I had to stay strong for her. 

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