Ch.2 Bullied

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I wake up and see that everyone is gone. Well lucky for me I don't have to deal with them. I slip on black leggings and the I slip on my slides, I grab a black tee shirt and a black zip up sweatshirt. I change and then limp to the sink to brush my teeth, I get done and go back to my bed and pull out a drawer under neath that had some of my stuff. I grabbed a black hair tie and put it on my wrist for now. I tuck my hair in my jacket and put my hood over my head. I then limp out and head to the mess hall.

I walk in and see people there, ugh. I grab a apple and walk out then something hits the back of my head. I collapsed and saw a orange, I saw there person who did it so I chucked it at him. It hit him right in the face, I laugh and then he looked mad. I stood and ran as fast as possible without falling or putting pressure on my ankle. He got closer and closer then I got pushed down. I landed on my ankle, "haha it's not so much easier to get to you since your hurt" he said crouching down toward me. I then punched him square in the face, he stumbled back and then stood up. He came up to me and punched me, kicked me in my stomach and in my ribs. He had steel toe boots on also, I groan and he laughed and walked off. I stayed curled up in a ball on the floor.

I heard running foot steps coming toward me. I looked and saw a guy with bright green eyes. "Are you okay" he said and helped me up, "I'm fine" I said and coughed up blood. "No your not" he said and swooped me up bridal style. On the way to where ever I passed out.

I wake up on a very comfortable bed. I look around and see I'm in a bedroom. Then green eyes comes in the room, "hey, how ya feel" he said sitting next to me on the bed. "Like I just got hit by a bus and died then came back to life and got hit again" I groaned, "aww sweetheart, want a hot bath" he said, I nodded and he then stood and left into a room that was connected to it. I heard water turn on and him doing something else. He walked back in and said "oh I'm Dean Winchester" he said and took off the blankets and picked me up and carried me to the bathroom. "I'm Luna Baker" I said, "Luna I like that name" he said smirking, I blushed and then he left the bathroom so I decided to strip out of my bloody clothes and into the bathtub. I put my hair in a messy bun and slide into the warm water. It feels good on my stomach, ribs, and ankle. He walked back in, "you want anything to drink" he asked, "umm, do you have beer" I asked, "sure do" he smirked. I smiled and he went to get it. I close my eyes and let the warmth relax me. I hear him walk in and see him holding two beers. He hands me on and I take a swig, the nice burn runs down my throat. "So have this ever happened before" he asked, "it's my life" I say looking at the tile wall, "wait this has happened to you your hole life and haven't told anyone" he said concerned, "yup" I sighed. "Why haven't you told anyone" he asked concerned, "because no one cares about me they all push me down, make fun of me and that crap" I say taking a swig. "Well your now in good hands, tell me who ever does this to you and I'll be the living crap outta em" he said with a serious face, I nodded and looked back at the wall. "Look I just want you safe, I want to help as best as possible" I heard him say, I looked at him and I saw that he has been hurt or sad in his eyes. "You can't save everyone" I whisper, he glances at me and says "i know but I don't want people getting hurt, especially if I am sort of the problem". "Wait your the problem of why I get treated like crap" I snap, "no, no, no, there has been other reasons, no one believes me though, or if I were to tell them they wouldn't" he said looking down. "Demons" I whisper, his head snaps up, "what did you say" he said, "you heard what I said" I smirked. "What do you know" he said and I just smirked, "oh I'll tell ya" I smirked and then I started tell him every detail I know.

"Wow I can't believe this, you, you know so much" he smiled, "yeah, I've lived with a Demon, it's actually inside of me, I know a crap ton of stuff" I smile. "I have a brother but he chose Erudite since he's a smart kid, but he's Dauntless strong" he smiled, "let's go out tonight and get him outside so we can talk to him" I said. "Possibly but gotta be sneaky" he smiled, "yeah, let's do it" I smile. He then left the bathroom so I could get out and change into clothes. I then walked out into the very nice living room. "So umm is there a demon inside of you" he questioned, "uhh yeah, but my demon kinda loves me and takes care of me, my demon is kind of the reason I'm here, my demon is strong and can take pain when my body can't" I smile, "huh" he smirks. Then a knock appears on the door, Dean walks to the door and opens it. I sit on the couch but can't see the door, I could hear what they were talking about tho. Then I see Eric rush by my side, "hey Eric" I smile, "hey Luna, I got worried I couldn't find you, what happened" he smiled, "well I got beat up again" I sighed, "who" he asked getting mad, "Matt" I sigh, "how did he slip off the chasm" Eric smirked said standing up, "Eric, your gonna kill him" I say, "yes, no one is gonna bully you again" he said, "bye, talk to you later Luna" he smiled, "bye" I sighed, "take good care of her, and thanks for saving her" Eric smiled at Dean, "no prob, and I will treat her like royalty" Dean smiled. Then Eric left, "well, one more death" I sigh, "it's for the best" Dean sighed sitting next to me, I then just cuddled in his side, "thank you" I whisper, "anything for you"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2017 ⏰

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