A więc, kocham Violet-Flame, dziękuję za nominację 2 raz :')
And becouse you must understand it, here's some of my lame english..
Lets begin:
1) I love Marvel productions. Almost every film they made and actors they hired are amazing. Maybe they gave too much actions, blowing cars and smashing in their last productions, but it still good to watch.
2) I'm hiddlestoned, you don't have to know what that means xD
3) I know basics of two languages, but I can swear in four ;)
4) I'm afraid you kill me, couse it took me ages to finally published that
5) I have have a dog Bernard named Louis.
6) My music taste reaches from heavy metal to dubstep-violin thing.
7) I hate people. If I like you, you aren't called by me man.
8) My love is cacti. I have thousands of them.
9) I love reading and listening to music, it gives me the strenght.
10) Unicorns, obviously.
11) I've given my heart to the voluntary. I can't even imagine what would be my life like without it.
12) I have a vision my english is very bad and I will make a fool of myself, but whatever.
13) I'm addicted to Woodstock. Beeing there is like living on another planet.
14) I like trains. If you know what I mean.
Only 2 people answered my nomination I don't nominate noone, soory Violet :| But anyway, I hope you happy ;3
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