Blue Thoughts

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'Things will go well... everything is in place, I look the part and I am surrounded by loved ones.' My thoughts were everywhere today as I paced around the dressing room rubbing my good luck charm 'I have planned everything perfectly and I have a thousand back up plans should something go wrong and knowing my luck it probably will.' My sight fell on a basket and my train of thought faltered 'I wonder if  Sarah remembered the basket... If she didn't I will kill her...'  I realised I was just stressing myself even more and redirected my thoughts... 'Okay I need to just calm down. All will be okay...'

"Anna, Its time, dear. Do you have your blue goldstone?" I looked up at my father, whose eyes were red and a little puffy from tears, then down at my hand where my blue, sparkly stone lay glistening. The stone had been my good luck charm for quite some time now and was never with out it. I had gotten it as a gift from a friend before they were killed in a car wreck five years ago. Holding the stone made me feel like he was still here, listening to me and holding me when I cry.

"Yes, papa. You know I never go anywhere with out it." I smiled at him through my tears 'I hope my mascara isn't running...'  I walked over to my father and kissed his cheek. I knew today would be hard for him and told myself I wouldn't cry just because he was but seeing a big, strong man like my dad cry... well that does things to a girl. "I love you, dad. So, so much."

"I love you too, Anna. Are you ready?" I took a deep breath in, let it out slowly and nodded at him. He offered his left arm and I looped my right around his. As we walked through the church to the chapel I thought through my mothers favourite tradition, wishing she were here with me. 'Okay, I have my moms wedding veil... Something old, I have my Emerald necklace from my dad... Something new, I have Sams converse on... Something borrowed, and lastly I have my something blue... My blue goldstone.'  We stepped through the doors and I saw the tears in my soon-to-be husbands eyes and all of my anxiety melted away. No matter what happened today, I was still marrying the man of my dreams. 'My wedding is perfect. Even if it isn't.'  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2016 ⏰

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