Chapter 1

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My eyes were closed and all I heard was my breathing. It was peaceful but my bed felt different? I tried to move my hands over the silky fabric. Sheets? Leather? Car! I'm in a car! I quickly sit up opening my eyes. Scared to see where I am, I look around and my fear was true. I was in a rusty orange car with only my bag. 

No No No! Where is this? Where am I? Am I dreaming? Please be a dream please be a dream I think. I pinch myself and my doubt is gone. I'm no longer dreaming this is very real. Damn it! 

I grab my bag searching for my phone but my bag only had tools, and a lighter. Tools? These aren't mine. Oh no am I kidnapped? I quickly look out the rusty window I realize I'm in a forest. I check my clothes and there different. No? No! Where am I? 

"MOM!" I yell but I hear nothing. I quickly get up and search the car for anything. A phone or an identification card. I open the dashboard and see a nicely folded note. Huh? I quickly grab it and open it. 

Hello Ella, 

You don't need to know anything about me but just know you are in deep trouble. Your are now officially in the Forest Hill. Don't panic or maybe you should. You might not remember anything because you were drugged. We came into your mothers house and gave her money to put you into the competition. She pleaded no money was suffice but from what I heard about your talents in town I'm sure you won't disappoint. Don't worry everyone is safe except.... you 

 - Forest Rule

 What! I place the paper down. How am I not safe? Is this is a bloody joke? I start to search the car more but can't find anything. I open the door but it's locked. I'm going to die! What talents is this person talking about? I go through my bag to find something to break the car window with I dump all the tools on the seat. I see a tiny piece of paper. I open it " Its fine to be confused, fight your way to freedom for more information"  What? Freedom? Information? Does this mean getting out of the car. I grab a screw driver and throw it at the window and look away. But nothing happens it just bounces back. 

"How do I break a window?" I say. Can I start the car? There's no keys and I have no idea how to start it with the wiring. 

I use my foot and kick the window glass as hard as I can but nothing happens if anything pain! I was wearing these new unfamiliar boots with laces. Here goes nothing, I grab the screw driver and place my hand as far as I can to prevent any injurie's from the glass shattering.

 "Boom" I slam it again still nothing happens its the same result. "Ella Milani never gives up" I yell and slam it again I start to see a crack. I use my boots and slam the window hard and I see it shatters. 

I carefully place my feet outside and place my bag on the cracked glass protecting my hands. I start to walk looking around for any sign of where I am. 

I turn right and walk some more I start to see a lake. I run towards it, "Help!" I yell hoping someone will come to the rescue. 

As I walk to the river there's no one here and I'm disappointed. "Where am I!" I yell looking around for any sign. But there's nothing, I wash my hands in the river, I get up and start walking along the river. There's nothing! No one insight not even a creature. I just sit next to water and just contemplate everything. I try my hardest to remember what happen. But I can't. 

After what feels like hours I hear shuffling in the forest. NO? 

"Who are you!" I yell getting up and grabbing a screwdriver from my bag. I hold it out as a weapon from where the sounds coming from. 

"SHOW YOURSELF!" I yell and a girl around my age with dark brown hair comes out. My eyes widen, did she kidnap me? Before I could react she grabs my arm and twists it around my back. 

"A screw driver ain't going to harm nobody Ella" She says and I'm about to throw up as she pushes me releasing my hand. 

"uh.." I just pause I'm shocked. She grabs the screw driver and throws it in-front of me. 

"I'm just like you, put in the competition because of a talent, the objective no one knows but apparently you were the last to be inducted so maybe we all will get clarity now. They were hunting for you for days that's how I know your name. NO! I didn't put you in this games, I don't even know who made this." the girl says.

"Kayla Rivera" She says extending her hand and after a few seconds I shake it. 

" I have been yelling for hours, is it just you?" I say

"No everyone is on the other side we just come here to gather water." Kayla says. She grabs a bottle and fills it up. 

"Come on I'll show you and you'll meet people" Kayla says tightening her bottle. 

She guides me through the forest, there was a trail made, I start to hear chatter and noise. I see blue tents on the ground being made and people talking. As I walk in everyone becomes quiet and starts whispers. 

"ELLA..." Kayla looks at me for a last name. 

"Milani" I say and they are all quiet for a minute. 

"ELLA MILANI!" Kayla yells and everyone starts to yell. "ELLA! ELLA! ELLA!" They all yell and laugh. 

"Welcome Ella" Some people say and I smile and nod my head. 

Kayla guides me to a tent. 

"This here is your tent Ella, water is on the side we just came from. Come inside I have to talk to you for a second" Kayla says and I throw my bag in the tent and sit. She shuts the tent zipper. 

"Stay away from the guys, I'm going to say this genuinely. A girl was very close with all of them and she disappeared. Some say the men voted her out and some say she had become a distraction. All we know is that she definitely did not go home. The other girls are just plain out competitive. I mean I'm telling you this because I don't want you to get picked on or kicked out. You must be special in someway if your the last to this team. " Kayla says 

"How long have you been here" I say 

"I keep track from a tree it has lines engraved about 3 months ago now" She says looking sad. 

"You have no idea how you got here" I say

"No idea Ella, No idea, I woke up in a..." I cut her off. "Rusty orange car and there was a letter and a bag you had no idea you ever had right?" I say

"Exactly" She says and opens the zipper.

"Last tip, outside, don't act like your friends with anyone. Be equal if you are bias, your as good as gone." Kayla says and walks away. 

 I just lay in the tent and cry. I can't believe my life has come to this. Mom I miss you so much! My little brother Tom I missed hugging him. Oh where do I start with Loony? I sob even more. Kayla has been here for 3 months this isn't going to end anytime soon. 


First chapter is complete! If you want to read more chapters stay tuned and let me know in the comments what you think about this book so far. 

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- Jenna Alfani

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