My First Fan

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Pheebs has been staying with Steve and I for 3 months and I think it's time she met all of the Avengers. "PHEEBS GET UP!" I yell down the hall to her room.

"CALM YOUR GAY ASS!" She yells back.

"Ouch." Steve laughs.

"THAT HURT PHOEBE!" I yelled in mock hurt.

"BUCK I SHIT YOU NOT!" She comes staggering into the room in one of Steve's oversized t-shirts. "Buck you know I don't care about your gayness. Get. This. Through. Your. Thick. Skull. Iz B Gayz." She laughs.

"I know Phoebe."

"Than quit acting like a baby when I say gay stuff like that!" She says throwing her hands in the air in defeat.

"HA! I win!" I laugh running around her and Steve.

"You are a three year old." Steve says.

"But you love me." I say.

"Tis true." Steve says. I quickly peck him on the lips.

"Get a room." She mumbles.

"We might just have to." I say.

"Ok ew. I'm going out. Bye." She says running to her room.
Phoebe's POV

I get to my room and cringe. Ew, in love people are gross. I pull on some black jeans and a flowy long sleeve shirt with a rib cage on it, it's half black half maroon. I strap on my maroon ankle boots with a 6 inch heel, I can walk in anything or run. I put on maroon lipstick/eyeliner. I grab my black and silver bag. Pull my black hair with silver streaks into a bun. I walk out of the apartment building and plug in my earbuds. Apparently I've learned about 21st century stuff a lot easier than Buck and Ste. Fallen Angels-Black Veil Brides. I like this song! I mentally think. After 15 minutes of walking I see a small dinner and grab a seat at the counter. 40's themed! I like it! I order a chocolate malt and a club sandwich. I sit listening to peoples conversations.

"Ok so get this Dean."
"Have you seen the movie?"
"OMG that is totes adorbs!"
"No! Bucky Barnes is better than Pheebs!"
I continue to listen to that one.
"No! Pheebs is better! She's super hot, she's in love with Wanda, and she can kill someone faster than Buck can."
Ok let's have some fun! I take my food and sit down at their booth. "Yeah Pheebs is better." I grin.

"OMG! It's her!" The woman says.

"Yes!" The man says.

"Yeah Buck is a looser. Acts like a 3 year old if he wins an argument. Actually I don't know it was his first time winning one this morning. And now I think him and Steve are banging the pants off of each other. Ew." I cringe. The two people look like they are going to pass out because of how happy they are.

"Wait so Stucky is real?" The woman asks.

"Yup!" I say munching on a fry. The two high five. "Can I ask ya something?"

"Yes!" The man says.

"Who is Wanda?" I ask. They look crest fallen.

"Oh! You haven't met her yet! The events of Captain America: Silver Phoenix, haven't happened yet or are happening right now." The man says.

"What are your names?" I ask.

"I'm Gia and this is Chris." The woman-Gia-says.

"Cool." I say. We talk for another hour, I gave them autographs and 'Selfies'. Today I met my first fans.

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