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You've been dating Zayn since last year. Unfortunately he graduated last year, so you only had your 2 friends.

It was the first day of school, Zayn was texting you all day then suddenly stopped. You were stating to get worried and finally lunch came around and you still haven't heard from him. You stared at your phone, barely noticing your friends, waiting for him to text back. Finally your phone buzzes. You quickly open the text to see it's from Zayn.

Z: 'turn around'

You read and re-read the text not understanding. You turned around as the text said to see Zayn standing behind you.

"Zaynie!" you jumped from your seat and tackled him in a hug. "What are you doing here?!" you exclaimed.

"To see you." Zayn responds then started kissing you. "C'mon." He said grabbing your hand and running out of the cafeteria.

When you get into his car he drives to McDonald's for lunch. He took you back to school but before you could get out of his car he kissed you passionately. He told you to meet him here after school so he could drive you home.


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