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Alright so there could be better names for this but screw it I'm just going to list off some things I find incredibly attractive and some things I cannot stand in a boyfriend now this is all personal preference different strokes for different folks and hopefully something for you to laugh at :)

I'm introverted but I'm extroverted
Sounds complicated, really isn't. I'm introverted in public I'm extroverted with people I know or if I'm pissed off beyond return....soooo if we are going to get along you should probably be able to cope with that

I don't mind awkward silence but it certainly isn't enjoyable.

Skinny guys are gross... Except all of my fandoms those guys are angels...I won't date you if you're skinnier than me because if we ever got in a plane crash I would be your flotation device and if we were in a fire I would have to carry you out and if I ever got in a fight you'd be the one yelling at me to stop.... I don't like skinny guys.

I'm a really really really really reaaaallllyyy angry person you need to be able to deal with my sudden fits of out of turn rage

When I get angry I tend to scare people because I look fine calm level head you think everything is ok and then SNAP zero to sixty I'm a different person and suddenly I'm spitting venom and destroying everything in my wake... So there's that

Sometimes I want you to love me and hold me and give me kisses other times I will cut you if you come within three feet of me but most if the tine I want you to love me

I enjoy a great variety of food but if you ever are wondering what to do with an extra dollar buy me some candy I don't care what it is I will devour that shit and love you forever

Don't scare me I will go into survival mode -_-

I don't open up easily so I might be a little difficult to be interested in but I can name all fifty states alphabetically and talk for hours about stupid shit like drain pipes in prisons or apple stands and their varieties you think it's a joke...I really have in depth knowledge about shit nobody cares about

You don't pay for me I pay for myself end of story

Don't look like Yosemite Sam don't question me just please don't look like Yosemite Sam

Take care of yourself a good smelling guy is sexy ;)

I will find quirks about you and I will continuously point them out and I will love you for being able to stand it

Please don't judge me for talking about fandoms you don't understand or if I'm going on and on and you have no clue what I'm talking about

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15, 2015 ⏰

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