Author's introduction

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Author's introduction

Hey lovely readers :-)

I haven't posted anything for a couple of weeks, and wanted to add something for you while I'm working on Susa's story. I was rooting through my archives and I found this piece, originally called 'Masque of Love'.

I did it as a creative writing assignment at university, and I warn you, it scored me the worst mark I'd ever had in a creative piece, and I think worse than any of my academic pieces too! My writing has drastically improved in the five years since I wrote it, and so has my attention to detail. But re-reading it, I still enjoyed it, so I've renamed it and whipped a cover together in the hopes that you'll enjoy it too. I think it was kind of a beta-run for my Jane Seymour story - this was the first piece I wrote based in Tudor times.

So, it's not strictly historically accurate, and possibly not strictly medically accurate, but I hope you like it anyway. It's about a young woman in Tudor times, suffering from grief and postpartum depression.

Hopefully it's not as bad as my tutors seemed to think when they marked it all those years ago. But if you do have nasty comments to make, please keep them to yourselves. I know it's not my best work, and I don't have any intention of developing it.


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