Chapter 1- Lost

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I sit staring at the white ceiling. I used to like the color white but being in a solid while room for six months makes you change your mind. The smell of this place was honestly horrid. It smelt like bleach and old people. My mind has become blank and i only remember a fragment of things that have happened in my life. I mean i can't complain, i had a pretty messed up life. Being in here made me think about what it would be like if i didn't come here.

I've been in this mental institute for six months. I didn't do anything like kill anyone. I just lost all control of reality. After dropping out if high school and moving to London was one of the worst ideas i have made. I went there to try to be a singer. I wasn't bad, it's just i ran into some pretty bad people. I guess you can say i got into the wrong crowd. I got into drugs. I went home with a different guy every night. It was bad. When my whole family stopped talking to me and i heard on the news that my mom and siblings had died, i lost it. I never knew what happened to my father but he probably doesn't even remember me. All he did was drink. When i was home he was very abusive because of all the alcohol he always had in his system.

After that i lost it, i started drinking. I went to parties every night. I did drugs even worse and i started smoking. I stopped eating for a while too. I looked horrid. I was never happy with myself so one day i just thought i would end it. No one would care. I had no family or friends. No one was there for me. I was in someone's house that i forgot the name of. I honestly don't even know how i got there. I was drunk but i still knew what i was doing. I went in the kitchen and got the knife and slit my wrists. Someone in the house got to me before i died.

Then i was put in here. They say this should fix me. I don't even know what fixing me means. They say I've gotten better and that i can go to a new room soon. The next room is then i finally move out but i have to live with a care taker. At least ill have someone to talk too.


I look over to a nurse in my room. She sat down in the bed next to me.

"They have decided to release you to the next level of treatment. They want to talk to you before it's final. Will you come with me to Lisa's office?"

I nodded.

She took my hand and walked me down the long hallway. You could see all the doors that sealed shut. I felt bad for some of he people in here. At night you can hear demonic laughing and screaming from the other patents. I wondered if they would ever get out.

The saddest part about this place is that normally if you get in, you don't get out. I mean it wasn't bad, you could watch movies and stuff. We had decent food. Oh and you got fresh cloths everyday so that is nice. The place was huge. Their were special sections for how bad off you were mental. The basement it the worst. It's mostly killers and stuff. I was up stairs on the main level.

I lost my trance of thought until the nurse said something.

"Huh?" I said

"Go into that room." My nurse pointed to the door down the hall.

I enter the room. Lisa was sitting in a chair leaning against the brown oak desk.

She pointed to the other chair in the corner of the room.

"Hello Lauren, how has your morning been?" She asked.

I just said "ok" i don't really talk that much. I don't really feel the need too.

"We want you to go the next part of treatment. Would you like to leave this place?" The asked.

I nodded.

"Ok well we have set up your care taker at this apartment complex. He will be with you at all times. You will be safe. You will also come once a moment for check ups. Does that sound good?"

I nodded again.

"Ok so it's final. We will move you out later today!" She smiled.

I was honestly scared. I didn't know what it was like out of this place. I've never had a stable home. I traveled to place to place. I was also excited to leave this hectic place.

"Um what's my care takers name?"

She looked at me and said

"His name is Ed Sheeran."

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