Chapter 10- Alex

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I looked up at my mom. She was leaning against the counter with her arms crossed and had a concerning look on her face.

"Yes mom?" i asked.

She didn't say anything but hug me. she started to cry and hug me tighter.

"I've missed you so much." she whispered with a shaky voice.

"Mom I've been here with you this whole time."

"Honey no you haven't"

She wiped her tears and let go and looked into my eyes.

"I want you to hold on. You can get through this. You are much more stronger than you think you are. Your brothers and I are so proud of how much you have gotten better."

She said as a single year fell from her left eye.

"Mom what are you talking about?"

I asked confused. I didn't understand why she was acting this way. I had been here the whole time with her in the kitchen in my home.

"I want you to watch out for Alex. He's not safe to be around. he's dangerous."

She started to fade away. She just disappeared in midair.

It was a dream.

It seemed so real though. I was in my childhood home in the kitchen with her. her voice was there. i could've swore that she was there. her presence seemed so real. I could even smell her perfume that she used to wear. It almost freighted me of how real it felt.

I couldn't help it but think that maybe it was a sign. I didn't believe in ghost but i do believe that your past on loved ones do look after you. I just thought that maybe that dream was a sign.

She did mention that Alex was dangerous which was weird. How could he know him? Shes dead.

I was scared. Alex seems so nice. How on earth could he be dangerous?

Did she mean he was dangerous to me so someone else?

My mind was circling around trying to find a possible solution.

I needed water. I got out of bed and realized how cold it was. It felt like the heating system wasn't on all night. My bare feet on the wooded floor now felt numb. I crossed my arms and rubbed my arms to try to get some warmth.

The living room was even colder than my room. It had to be below twenty degrees. I noticed that the fire escape window was open. I quickly ran over to it and slammed the window shut.

Why was the window open?

"Ed?" I said knocking on his door.

He wasn't there. I sighed. I didn't have a clue of how to turn on the heat in this apartment.

Ed is always here. I started to get frantic because he would never leave me alone without me knowing he would leave.

I heard i slight sound of the floor creaking behind me. I whipped my head around but no one was there.

No i was getting frantic. I was looking for my phone but i couldn't find it. My hands were throwing pillows off the couch looking in between the cations.

It wasn't there.

I ran to the kitchen and looked in the newspapers and magazines piled up.

Not there either.

At this point i was going mad. I needed to call Ed. I was scared.

More creaking in the wooden floor.

I turned around one last time.

There he was. just standing there holding my phone in the air. A devilish look across his face.

I then recognized him. He wasn't at all my friend. He was my kidnapper. A man that made my life a living hell. There he was right in front of me.

"Looking for this?" he said laughing.

I could feel my eyes watering. I knew i couldn't cry though. I wasn't going to

give him the satisfaction of my pain.

"GET OUT!" I screamed at him.

"Oh you just thought I'd stop by and take your phone and give it back. You're so stupid, you know that?"

I could feel my lips quivering and my body shaking as he got closer to me.

He bent down right were my ear was and whispered. "You're coming with my wether you like it or not"

He started laughing and grabbed me.

I started jerking my body away from him to get away. Again i felt helpless. I couldn't get away. He wasn't going to let me get away again.

"why are you doing this?" i said still trying to wiggle away from him.

"Can you just shutup?" he snapped.

He dragged me outside and i knew i could scream and get help.

I started screaming on the top of my lungs.


He slapped me and threw me into his car. He tied up my arms and legs.

At this point i knew there was no over way of escaping. He was going to take me. I didn't know what he was going to do with me but i knew it would be horrible.

I could feel tears fall down my cheeks. I was so scared and angry.

Then i thought about Ed.

What had happened to him?

Where was he?

What did Alex do to him?

"What did you do to Ed?" I asked.

"Oh well i took him from his apartment and i drugged him. oh and now he's at the bottom of a lake" he said smiling and laughing.

I started crying. More like bawling.

"Im kidding. You really are so stupid."

At this point i was mad. I hated him. I hated him so much. I wanted nothing more than him dying. Wait no more like suffering. I wanted him dead.

I need to kill him

Im going to kill him.


Sorry that this chapter is pretty short. Next one will be long! (:

Also thank you all that have read my story!! 124 reads!!! That's crazy!! Thank you everyone!!


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