Jawan imagine part 2

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  It was suddenly cold in his house. Maybe it was because she left, and there was one less person in the house. Or maybe it was the sadness that had completely captivated him from that point on.
He was lost.  

 So lost, that in fact, he hasn't moved from the roof in days. It seems that the only time he would leave was when he had to sleep or eat, or use the bathroom. He never left for any other reason.
The roof was the only place he was able to think, ever since he was little.  It was a break from all the memories in their house. It wasn't the same without her. It was silent, so completely lifeless that being in there for too long drove him insane.

He sighed, wrapping the blanket tighter around him as the cold air blew against his skin.  It was silent, it was calming, and just for three good seconds, he forgot all about what had happened.

Suddenly, his phone rang next to him. His eyes shot open and he quickly looked down, hoping to see Y/n's name creep upon his screen. But it wasn't her, it was Dylan. He didn't feel like answering, not to any of them, anyway, but he figured that he'd give them a heart attack if he didn't answer after one week of being missing.  "Jawan? Oh my God, Jawan." Dylan said.

He had such relief in his voice.
Jawan stayed silent, only focusing on the breeze that had been pushed against him.
"Jawan, please, where are you?"
He sighed, his gaze being kept right upon the horizon.
"I don't know anymore. I just want Y/n. I really need her."   

  "Jawan pl—"
"That's all I need right now."
"Jawan listen to m—Jawan?! JAWAN?!" Dylan screamed into the phone.
The line went dead, and Dylan knew he had lost him.
"Fuck! One damn time he answers and all he asks for is Y/n. Pryce, we need to find her. We really need to find her."
"Yeah, but where the hell is she?" Pryce asked.
Dylan sighed, running his hand through his hair.  

  "She loves that abandoned little cafè just a few blocks down. Maybe she's there?" Pryce asked.
Dylan nodded, tapping Pryce  on the shoulder, as if a sign to tell him that it could possibly be a chance that she was there.
"We can't waste time. We have to go."Pryce said, grabbing his jacket.
For some reason, they had forgotten about a car. They just ran, as if it was the only possible way they could get there. Maybe they were trying to run to her because it felt better that way. Like their hard work was what they felt she had deserved.  

  Once reaching the cafè, they saw her there, reading a small book upon an old table.
"Y/n" Pryce breathed,Dylan out of breath from all the running they had done.
Y/n looked up at them, her dull eyes meeting their frantic ones.
Taking a good look at her now, they knew just how severe this had caused her. She looked nothing like herself. All of the life that had made her so different had been sucked out of her like venom.
Her brown eyes were dull.

  She looked back down at her book. She had no intention on talking with them. If they really had thought she was bad news, she had no care for what they had to say.
None of this would have happened if they weren't involved.
"Look—shit—we all know you really don't like us right now. We really aren't fond of us either at the moment, but we really need you, Y/n. Like, we really really need you."
She sighed, her eyes never drifting off of her book.   "But if you get too close to me, you might not make it to your next management meeting. Don't want to be bad news on you guys."

Her sarcasm filled the air with tension. The boys immediately felt even worse than they had before.
They knew she never meant any harm, and it hurt them to know they made her feel like she had. They didn't know what they were caught in the middle of. Their best friend had now been missing, and the love of his life will never feel the same about them again.  

  They were all one big group. She was like the 4th member, always around, always joining them in video games, dares, twitcams. She was always around, but ever since her and Jawan moved in they both started distancing in the worst way.
They thought it couldn't get worse, and that's why they thought it would be better off this way. They could have never been more wrong.
"It's JAwan" Dylan mumbled.
Y/n looked up. Pryce was biting his nails, always something he had done when he was nervous of anxious. She swallowed the lump in her throat. What could be happening with Jawan ? Why was it so urgent?
"W—what about Jawan?! Is he okay?!" She panicked, standing up from her chair.
Pryce immediately grabbed her arms, trying to calm her down before she panics herself.  

  "Y/n, we really don't know. We don't know where he is. We searched the house, we searched the city. Absolutely everywhere and we just—we just don't know where he is and he won't answer us and—and we're really starting to think that the only person he'll answer to is you."
"He hasn't showed up to anything. We've had so many things to do and he never came. He never even called to make him excuses, he just wouldn't show up. He only answered the phone for the first time today and he gave us nothing. All he asked was for you. We know we hurt you and blamed you but it wasn't until we all lost you until we realized that it's worse without you."   

  With tears in her eyes, she nodded. She understood they were sorry, and although she felt as if things will never be the same, she at least had their acceptance again.
"Just stop, it's okay. Can we just find Jawan before I drive myself insane?"
The all nodded quickly, instantly grabbing her things for her. Y/n couldn't seem to shake off the nervousness in the pit of her stomach.
If she couldn't find Jawan, she would never stop thinking about him. It was bad now, running on no sleep and no food just because she didn't have him. But to not have an idea as to where he was? That was too much for her to process.
Walking in the cold didn't make it better, because the ice that had been expanding inside of her felt more frozen than before.
She was turning numb.  "You said he wasn't here?" She asked, approaching what used to be her home.

Her thumb pushing down her other fingers as a sign of anxiousness.
"He isn't we checked everywhere. But you know this house, and him, more than anybody here." Dylan answered.
She nodded.
She took a deep breath, taking small strides towards the front door. With her shaking hand, she pushed open the door, instantly greeted with a cold breeze.
"What the fuck? It's so damn cold in here. He must have left a win—"
She stopped her sentence.
She knew.  "Guys. I know where he is."

"What?! Where?!" They all asked in unison, their eyes wide with concern.
"When he was younger, when his parents started to divorce, he always told me that the roof was the best place to go. A break from the inside. He always said it's like a new life up there."
She didn't give them time to reply, because she was already half way up the stairs by the time she finished what she was saying.
Reaching their bedroom, she grabbed an extra blanket from the bed before climbing out of the window.
There he was. In the fetal position, his knees up to his chest as he hugged around them, the blanket falling loosely off of his body.  He was shivering.

She sighed, lifting herself up from her position before walking toward him. Reaching to where he was, she swiftly placed her blanket around him.
"What are y—"
Turning around, his eyes widened at the love of his life in front of him.
She looked like him. Hair flat, eyes dull, face sunken in. But he had never felt so much better than how he felt now, with her looking at him with such love.
"Y/n? Is this really you? I'm not just imagining you again?" He asked.  

  She smiled softly, shaking her head.
"I'm here, Jawan, I'm here."
"Oh my God" he sobbed, his body being lifted up by his sudden adrenaline.
He walked up to her, almost as if he was trying to confirm that she really was here, in front of him. He didn't think she would ever come back, not this soon, anyway. It seemed to fake, like he couldn't believe she would ever chase after him.
Grabbing her face in his hands, they both instantly broke. It was such an incredible feeling, seeing the one you love more than anything finally in front of you after what felt like an entire lifetime.  

  "My angel. My angel." He whispered through his tears, pushing her body into his.
He didn't smell like himself. He smelt like a stranger, someone who had been working in dirt his whole life. But she didn't mind, because right now, this is him.
"It was bad. It was so bad." She sobbed against him.
He squeezed her harder against him, both of their eyes closed as tears were pouring out.  

  And even though they both looked so sad; so broken, as if both their worlds had just crashed beneath their feet, they were happy. "How about I make us some soup? Yeah? You need to eat." "No. No." Jawan sighed, burrying his face into her neck, just wanting to feel her with him again. She giggled, sniffling as she rubbed her hand through his hair. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, Y/n" he whispered effortlessly, as if he didn't have to think it before he spoke it. She had never felt so lucky before, having someone like Jawan in her life. She never understood how he could love her this much. "You too, baby. You too." And just for a couple of minutes, what had happened before seemed to disappear, because now, in this moment, with  , they knew nothing could be better.  


Im so tired i spent all night writing this because i had got 20 likes in less than a few hours sooooo here is part 2. make sure u guys like and comment <3

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