Stupid Uni Parties

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Heres the thing: Arthur didn't want to be here.

The last thing he wanted to do was go to a stupid Uni party, thrown by one of the Freshmen. While the man didn't exactly look like it, he was actually a bit of a party animal his first year.

Somehow his scrawny 19 year old body managed to take down just as much liquor as the infamous huge Russian student. Often times downing a bottle of vodka, only to throw in a couple of cans of red bull, and if the night was right, cheap beer.

When you're a college student the last thing you're going to do is spend a lot of money on beer. Also, reality, does anyone actually care about the taste of it? You're trying to get drunk, not savour the taste. Or what ever bull shit most adults said to justify their drinking.

But, after one night of waking up with a huge pounding in his head, and a stranger in his bed. Partying days came to a sudden halt, saying never again. It didn't help the stranger in his bed would soon become a human cockroach in his life, that would not leave no matter what the hell the man did. Or said for that matter. He just kept coming back for more, even if Arthur has admittedly thrown on more than a few occasions thrown a mug at the man.

For one reason or another, Francis was invited to a party.

Funny, he has friends.

Anyway, he decided you know what, 'Let me go ask Arthur to go to the party! Yeah, that's the perfect idea.'

He really didn't want to go, nor did he want to stay for all that long. Still, he dragged over to the loud party. All he wanted was to drink tea and watch Netflix. Was that too much to ask?

Apparently so.

Upon arriving Arthur and Francis managed to get quite a few stares. Needless to say, they both stood out a lot. Of course that would honestly be a given. Arthur dressed almost like a stereotypical 50 year old, upper middle class white dad. Down from the khaki pants, to the sweater vest and all. A shame, that in itself managed to tear him down to a 5. Not that he was trying to impress anyone, as far as he was concerned dating wasn't in his agenda.

That, and he liked Francis reactions to the style of his clothes.

If that man screaming his head off and on the verge of ripping out clumps of his perfect hair wasn't funny, may he be gunned down by the cops any given day.

Arthur stuck to Francis like glue, not exactly willing to go and try to make friends with any of the other people there. The two drank, that was going to be given. Ah, the taste of cheap beer. Almost brought back memories that made the two cringe. Francis then decided to skip out on the beer, and alcohol in general. Arthur didn't. A few drinks in he already felt just a bit tipsy.

He's loosing his edge.

At some point in the middle of his drinking, Francis ran off. With a sophomore girl. Great... He rolled his eyes before getting another beer, promptly heading out the door. He stood on the porch, leaning against the wall contently sipping on his beer. Music still blaring loudly, already feeling the warning signs of a oncoming headache. Tomorrow morning hangover will be amazing, he can already see it. Just as he was about to leave he felt a hand on his shoulder. With out bothering to look back at who ever dared touch him he started ranting like no other.

"It's about time frog! You've literally dragged me here and ran off to go fuck some girl! Like it literally had to be a fucking freshman party. Just what in the actual hell were you thinking. I swear to god you owe me so-" He whipped his head around to turn to see him.

He was expecting his stupid friend. Not a stranger. Especially not a rather attractive one, only smiling at him.

Arthur was mortified.

The man on the other hand was a little more than amused.

Tall, messy wheat blond hair with a cowlick that seemed to break all laws of gravity, and a pair of the most intense blue eyes he's met.

Wait, was that a Captain America shirt?

Maybe it was his imagination. His mind would make up someone that weird.

"Have something against freshman?"

Or maybe not.

"It's alright, I think I'd get pissed too if my friend ditched me for some chick." Heavy American accent, God. He let out a small chuckle, before flashing Arthur his 100 watt smile.


His smile, turned to one a little more nervous at this point. Maybe he should work on his flirting. "You alright?"

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