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I know we haven't seen each other, or even talked to each other in a while.

Have you ever had the feeling of meeting someone, who was perfect in every imperfect way? That at first doesn't seem to have been of any importance, of any significance. After one too many lonely nights of laying in bed. In a tangled mess of blankets you find yourself thinking of that person, even after you swore you'd never love again. You end up having a earth shattering realisation. That they are the one and the only. You want to take off running like a mad man, just to see them again.

Yeah, he didn't either. It was stupid.




There was a snore.

"ALFRED!" The Russian man yelled at the teen currently passed out drunk in the front porch.

He let out a groan, already starting to feel the pain of his ear splitting headache. That was defiantly one too many drinks he had last night. Alfred was somewhat greatful that Ivan wasn't about to ask what happened, or why he was dressed as a woman for that matter. He himself probably wouldn't be able to answer anyway. Everything about last night became one big blur after meeting... Who ever that was, and seeing them to the car. Reaching into the top of the dress he pulled out two grapefruits. Which were also bruised. Ivan began to snicker.

"Grapefruits? Really?"

"Of course, what kind of woman would I be if I didn't have a little somethin' somethin' upstairs." Voice dripping with sarcasm.

Alfred threw the fruit at Ivan, who managed to catch it with ease. He looked down at himself for a moment, tight fitted dress. That's a new one, even for him.

"You know, I think I can totally rock a dress. Maybe I'll start wearing them more."

He only got a laugh, before Ivan began to drag him back inside. Hoping none of the neighbours would notice the man.

"Shall I take the fact my living room is completely trashed as a sign your party last night went well?"

Alfred let out a nervous chuckle before lazily throwing himself on the couch. "About that..." he squeezed his eyes shut, letting out a long breathe. "Must have been, saw some dude go into Mattie's room, and I met someone."

As if on cue, a man hastily walked out of his brothers room, pants luckily pulled up shirt in hand. The albino man had a dark blush tint on his face as he hastily walked out the front door. Alfred let out a whistle, which caused the man to walk faster and a door to slam from one of the upstairs bedrooms. Ivan didn't look amused.

"Who did you meet?"

He shrugged a bit. "I dunno, I never caught a name. He's a little shorter than me, blond hair, green eyes, caterpillar eyebrows."

Ivan furrowed his eyebrows, not trying to hide the confusion on his face. "Right..." Was the only thing he could say.

The blond threw a pillow in his face before promptly going up stairs.


Classes for the most part went normal for Alfred. Well, as normal as it can go with a group of friends bursting with energy all too weird. Him having the worst hangover he has gotten since going to college. That, and the man still had some eyeliner, it managed to get a few looks.

Sadly to say he already has a reputation of being weird. That was nothing compared to what he had on his face in the past, or what he would end up dressed in.

In his defence, sometimes you don't have time to dress out of a clown suit before you're 9 am class.

Trying to get over his day as as soon as possible, and just get home to sleep, he was jogging to library. Leave it to him to wait last minute to get a book, for a report due in a week. Thankfully it wasn't full, it was actually pretty empty. Of course there was that German freshman, who seemed way to serious and his best friend in the corner reading a manga book. Alfred was honestly starting to wonder if the man did anything but read. Waving at him he walked in between a couple of book shelfs, skimming over the titles before picking up a random one.

He quickly read the back of the cover before looking over at the desk, for once someone was there.

Maybe that wasn't a good thing.

Remember the imperfect, perfect realisation? What are you suppose to do when you have that, in the middle of a library, about a guy you met at party the night before.

If you're normal, you talk to them.

That's the thing, Alfred was anything but. So what does he do? Scream bloody murder. Only to hide behind a book shelf, after the guy at the desk jumps out of his seat and falls right on his ass, and the strict German kid has a look that could literally kill.

"Oh fuck. Oh fuck-"

That must have been his favourite sentence that day. He kept repeating that under his breath trying to figure out what to do, having a million thoughts going through his head and yet at the same time it seemed as if he couldn't think. Taking literally the first idea he could get, he takes off his backpack quickly pulling out a pen and notebook. Scribbling down a few things he rips out the paper folding it messily and putting it on top of the book. Alfred shoved his notebook back in bag and sling it over one of his shoulders. Taking a deep breath, he walked over to the front desk.

"Hey, haven't seen you since last night."

"What the hell are you-"

Maybe Arthur should start looking back before he talks. Or Alfred needs better timing.

"Oh, it's you." That sounds way more sarcastic then he may have wanted it to. He smiled a little nervously before grabbing the book and scanning it.

Alfred could say anything. Which was probably a good thing knowing him he'd find some way to fuck that up. He grabbed his book before slipping the guy a note. If it went right, he could find out his name another day. With that he quickly walked, well, more like ran out the library.

'Hey, maybe this is a little straight
foward, but you wanna go out on a date?
P.S You have nice eyebrows.
-Alfred F. Jones '

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2017 ⏰

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